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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violation of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan in September,2014 (Digest)

Download 1 september 2014

International foundation for protection of freedom of speech«Adil Soz» has conducted survey, concerningin the sphere of violation of a right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information in September, 2014. 

There was following information:
-Cassation Board of Almaty City Court has upheld judicial acts, related to closure of newspaper
-The administrative office of the akim (governor) of West Kazakhstan oblast demanded to remove a photo of akim from website of portal
“Moy Gorod”. This photo was made during conduction of Annual Sorochinsty Fair. There was a photo of Nurlan Nogaev just as he tasted gorilka. He felt comfortable about this photo.
-The editor-in-chief of magazine
"Adam Bol" Guljan Ergalieva said, that in the morning on September 08, 2014 her personal notebook computer, notebook computers of accountant-administrator and one of the employees were stolen from editorial office of magazine "Adam Bol".
-The lawyer Snezhanna Kim, who represented the interests of journalist from Aktobe Nataliya Sadykova. She was charged with slander. She has filed a complaint to the Chairman of Aktobe City Court № 2 and demanded challenge of judge Raziya Kustanova.
-Medeu District Court of Almaty has awarded judgment, according to suit about protection of honour, dignity and business reputation and admission of discredited disseminated information of deputy for imam of mosque "Imangali" (Atyrau) Ersyn Amre which was filed it against owner of magazine "Adam Bol – LLP "Adamdar" ("People"). The defendant should recover 2,5 millions KZT (1USD=182.00) as moral damage compensation for imam Ersyn Amre. Editorial staff intended to appeal this judgment in court of higher instance.
-Court of Appeal has reduced the amount of compensation of moral damage from KZT thirteen millions to KZT one million and three hundred thousand; KZT one hundred thousand should be paid to everyone of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. 

In September, three suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation in the amount KZT eight million and three hundred and thousand were filed against media outlets and citizens. 

Three judicial acts, concerning prior cases were performed, including one – hearing in appellate instance; two of them were performed in favour of journalists and citizens. 

-14 charges with slander; 71 pre-trial claims and suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation in the amount of KZT 224 millions and 100 thousand were brought against media outlets and citizens in connection with exercise of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information, in general and since the beginning of the year.

Violation of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan in September,2014 (Digest)
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