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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan June, 2014 (Digest)

Download 1 june 2014
International foundation for protection of freedom of speech “Adil Soz” has conducted survey of violation in the sphere of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan, in June, 2014.

There was following information:
- Members of Majilis (Low Chamber) of Senate of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan have adopted Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It was submitted to President of Kazakhstan to sign it.
- Civil community of Kazakhstan has applied for President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to put a veto upon adopted Criminal, Criminal and Procedural Codes and Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Journalist Saya Issa was found guilty in libel.
-Deputies of Karaganda Maslikhat charged journalist Sergey Perkhalskiy with slander with regard to a public officer.
- Under court decision of first instance, editor-in-chief of magazine “Anyz adam” Zharylkap Kalybai should recover KZT13000000 (1USD=182.04) to veterans of Great Patriotic War as moral damage compensation.
- Judicial decision on closure of newspaper «Assandi-Times» came into effect.

In June, 2014 media outlets and citizens dealt with one suit about protection of honour, dignity and business reputation.
Six judgments of earlier considered cases were rendered; 5 of them in appeal instance. 0 of them in favour of media outlets and citizens.
In general, since the start of the year media outlets and citizens in connection with exercise of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information dealt with:
- 9 charges with libel and slander;
- 48 pre-trial complaints on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation (4 of them are – passed data) in the amount of KZT two hundred and eight millions and eight hundred and thousands.
Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan June, 2014 (Digest)
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