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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of Freedom of Speech in Kazakhstan November 2020

1 november 2020

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" conducted a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in November 2020.




- The deputy of the maslikhat of the West Kazakhstan region accused Vremya newspaper regional reporter of slander.

Zlata Udovichenko,  Vremya newspaper reporter for West Kazakhstan region, was summoned to police station. As it became clear from the conversation with the district police officer, a deputy of local maslikhat (local authority) Lyana Tursynova filed a claim  against the reporter. Tursynova claims that Udovichenko in her articles made statements  discrediting her honor and dignity, as well as her business and party reputation, and demanded that those statements were recognized as “Slander” (the journalist was not allowed to take a photo of the claim and was told to get  a copy at the registry ).

The claim mentions three articles - “Unhealthy appetite. Uralsk local deputy  is accused of seizing school canteens ”( September 16, 2020),“ The debtor turnes out to be a dog-poor ”(October 2, 2020) and“ All clear! ” (October 09, 2020).


- The student that applied to the EKaraganda newspaper for help,  retracted her words in court and accused the journalists of publishing unverified information.

There was an unexpected turn on November 11 at the court hearings   in the Oktyabrsky District Court of Karaganda on the suit of Zharyk Saryarka LLP against the owner of the ekaraganda news agency, Creadom LLP.

As it was reported, article “Waterpark refuses to pay salary to  Karaganda inhabitant” published on the ekaraganda website was  the subject of a court dispute in September. Then the case was considered by the Specialized Interdistrict Economic Court of the Karaganda region. The plaintiff - the owner of the Dolphin water park, Zharyk Saryarka LLP - demanded a refutation, but could not  provide any evidence that the published article somehow influenced  its business reputation. And Maria Feninger, the student that the article told about ,and other  witnesses confirmed that they worked for the water park, they did not enter into any employment contracts or civil contracts and were not paid for the work. After that the plaintiffs withdrew the claim.

“Adil soz” then commented: “Unfortunately, amendments adopted to Civil Procedure Code in 2015, resulted in satisfying such requests. Cases are dismissed regardless of the  defendants opinion -  the court has no choice. It is a good loophole for unscrupulous plaintiffs: to file a groundless lawsuit, use court hearings to find out the arguments and the evidences of the defendant, to file a request to dismiss the case, to prepare for the court proceedings taking into account the information received at the hearings, and file the lawsuit agian." (see http://www.adilsoz.kz/news/show/id/3200)

Adil Soz must have second sight! “Zharyk Saryarka”  filed the same suit again, but against  “Creadom” LLP and Maria Feninger, the same student who asked the media outlet to help her get her wages from the owner of the Dolphin water park.

At the hearings in econimic court in September Maria was emotional and convincing telling how bad she was treated at the Dolphin. She testified  in court as a witness and was warned of criminal liability for perjury.

But at the hearings in the district court on November 11, she declared that she had never worked  in the water park and since the journalists did not check her words they had to publish a         refutation! She also asked to considered the case in her absence. However, the presiding judge Z. Mombayeva said that the court had questions for Maria and she would be definitely  questioned in court.

Let's not try to guess why M. Feninger so dramatically changed her position, maybe she has got the money her ex- employer owed her. In any case, journalists were not happy at all with such turn in the case. They double checked the information and had  sufficient evidence that the information they published was accurate.

 The next court hearing is scheduled for November 16, 2020 at 12.15 pm. The interests of Creadom LLP. Adil Soz lawyer T.Simakhina represents  the owner of the ekaraganda news agency before the court. The hearings are held online.


- «Today we are dealing with the worst manifestation of legal nihilism - nihilism of a number of state authorities in Kazakhstan.» Adil Soz Foundation has analyzed the situation with the freedom of speech under the state of emergency and quarantine.


«Today we are dealing with the worst manifestation of legal nihilism - nihilism of a number of state authorities in Kazakhstan.».

«The current quarantine, including restrictions on the rights and freedoms of citizens, does not  always fit the legal framework. The state of emergency was lifted, and sanitary doctors are not empowered to restrict the rights of citizens  the way that happens in Kazakhstan».

«The authorities used arbitrary and disproportionately aggressive restrictions imposed due to COVID-19 pandemic to harass journalists, health workers and activists that tried to get and distribute the real picture from medical organizations.».

These are just a few quotes from the analytical report "Kazakhstan 2020: freedom of speech under the state of emergency and quarantine." It was made within the framework of a project supported by the Soros Foundation Kazakhstan on the basis of two analytical studies, and a six-month monitoring of violations of freedom of speech during this period. The full text is available at http://www.adilsoz.kz/p/zakon


- The moderators of the online press-conference with the  Minister of Ecology, which took place as part of the IX Civil Forum, disonnected  journalists under the pretext of exceeding the participant limit. About 80 media workers accredited to the event could not access it.

An online press-conference with the participation of the Minister of Ecology was meant to be an important component of the IX Civil Forum. The accreditation for eco-activists and journalists was announced two days before the event. A day before the press-conference, a WhatsApp chat was created, where to all 80  registered journalists and activists were added.

The press-conference began on November 26 at 4 PM. However, almost no  chat participant could watch it. Those who managed to get connected to the conference,  were deleted by the moderators in a few seconds. When asked to explain the reasons, the moderators said that the number of participants suddenly exceeded the limit. They added that they could not connect the other participants since the minister had already started reading his report. The rest of the chat participants were connected only when the minister finished his report, half an hour after the beginning of the press-conference. It should be noted that the entire conference lasted for 50 minutes.


One  judicial act was  issued against media in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression , the receipt and dissemination of information in November 2020. It was not in  favor of defendants.


The following charges were filed  in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression:

- 9 criminal charges,  6  of then  in  court.

- 2 claims and suits in civil procedure. Both were claims for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

- 5 administrative charges


The following charges were filed since the beginning of the year:


- 57  criminal charges (including 19 in court).

- 32 administrative charges (including 4 slander charges)

- 60  claims and suits in civil procedure.

Among them, 52 claims and lawsuits for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

- Claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage amounted to 79 million 110 thousand  tenge. The courts collected 975 thousand  993  tenge.



The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.


Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi
e-mail: lena@adilsoz.kz


For all monitoring questions, you can also contact info@adilsoz.kz


Violations of Freedom of Speech in Kazakhstan November 2020
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