Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of Freedom of Speech in Kazakhstan June 2020

1 june 2020

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" conducted a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in June 2020.


It reports:

- On June 26, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed the bill into law to  transfer article "Slander" from the Criminal Code to the Administrative Code.

The law excludes Article 130 - "Slander" from the Criminal Code. Slander is transferred to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Administrative Offenses" as a new article "73-3. Slander". The bill stipulates a fine from 180 MCI to 650 MCI or administrative arrest for a period of 20 to 25 days for libel committed in public or with the use of media or telecommunications networks. Slander accusing a person of committing a corruption, grave or especially grave crime shall be punishable by a fine from 200 to 750 MCI or administrative arrest from 25 to 30 days. The law also amends Article 174 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Incitement of social, national, clan, racial, class or religious discord.In the title of Art. 174 the word “Incitement” is replaced by the word “Agitation”. Offence under 174 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan is additionally punished by a fine in the amount of  2,000 MCI to 7,000 MCI or restriction of freedom or imprisonment (the current Criminal Code stipulates only restriction of freedom for a period of 2 to 7 years or imprisonment for the same period and no additional fine).The law was published by state media on June 29, 2020 and is put into effect  10 days after the date of its publication.

- The court deprived Alnur Ilyashev of the right to engage in civic and public activities for a period of five years. Alnur considers the sentence to be a legal way to force him to silence.

On June 22, the district court No. 2 of the Medeu district of Almaty, presided  by Judge Z. Makharadze, sentenced civil activist Alnur Ilyashev to three years of restriction of freedom and  100 hours  of compulsory work a year .

The civic activist was found guilty of disseminating deliberately false information during a state of emergency (Article 274, Part 4, Clause 2 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan).Prosecutor Dastan Myrzagali demanded  three years of imprisonment for Ilyashev and a five years ban for public and political activities.

The prosecution believes that Ilyashev's social network posts  dated  March 26, 28, 31, 2020 "are aimed at forming an opinion about the insolvency of the activities of public associations and public authorities, which could lead to negative consequences in this period ..."

Alnur Ilyashev  did not fully plead guilty. Ilyashev believes that he  exercised his right to freedom of expression, and believes that his posts were aimed at criticizing the dominant political authorities of the country responsible for the current socio-economic and socio-political situation.

Ilyashev was put under probation supervision for the entire period of punishment. As an additional punishment the court  deprived  Alnur Ilyashev of the right to engage in civic and public activities in the form of "to voluntarily serve the political, cultural, professional needs of society", engaging in the activities of political parties, public associations, foundations for  five years.

- The action group for the Democratic Party led by activist Zhanbolat Mamai and the Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan movement called on their supporters to rallies in several cities of Kazakhstan on June 6. The agenda included demands of a credit amnesty, release of political prisoners, and ban to sell  land to foreigners. On June 6, journalists covering the detention of citizens faced impediments in their work.

- Radio Azattyk reporter Dilara Isa (Shymkent): two unknown persons tried to prevent us making video of arrests. They used umbrellas to cover the cameras. One of them said that he was an employee of the internal policy department of the Shymkent akimat (mayor's office). Besides city police department spokesperson was making a video of the reporter's work.

- The policeman Interfering with legal professional activity  of Nasha Gazeta journalist Olga Sidorova (Kostanay) when she tried to make a video of the arrests on the square in Kostanay. The correspondent had a distinctive sign - a yellow vest with the words "Press" on it. The policeman covered the scene with his back, then tried to take away the journalist's mobile phone, that she used to make a video. Only after the journalist showed him her media ID the policeman stop interfering with the work of the journalist.

- In Semey policemen tried to detain Azattyk reporter Khadish Akaeva  more than once.

- The editor-in-chief of Uralskaya Nedelya newspaper, Lukpan Akhmedyarov, said that on June 6, the day of peaceful rallies, police tried to take him to the police station on a summons.


- Information-analytical portal Azattyq Ruhy group was attacked.

On June 9 the journalists stopped near a  carwash to find out about the events that happened the previous night in one of the houses nearby (a 69-year-old Almaty resident shot his son-in-law and his daughter, and then committed suicide). A group of people approached them.

“They behaved aggressively but didn’t even demand us to leave. When the situation became more tensed I warned them  I would call the police. At that moment one of the women snatched my mobile phone from my hands and threw it on the pavement with all her might. She attacked the cameraman too, intending to snatch his camera from him, ”says Rishat.

The journalists called the police and reported the attack.The police drew up an administrative protocol against the woman that broke the journalist's phone.

On June 19, the Specialized Interdistrict Administrative Court of Almaty found her guilty of petty hooliganism (Article 434, Part 1) and fined her for 13,890 tenge.

Rishat Askarbekuly, who participated in the trial online, asked to take light measures against the offender and to stop the proceedings for the reconciliation of the parties, since she fully compensated the material damage she caused.

- Proceedings on 2018 libel charges  lawsuit against Gulzhan Yergalieva were resumed.

On June 1, journalist Gulzhan Yergalieva wrote on Facebook: “After my sharp posts about the police and other persons, the proceedings  on charges under  articles 130 and 131 of the Penal Code were resumed in Astana.

Private prosecutor Askhat Orazayev appealed to court No. 2 of the Saryarka district of Astana city demanding to bring Yergalieva to criminal liability for libel (Article 130, part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan). The proceedings  began on April 17, 2018.

The grounds to initiate proceedings  was the comment posted by Gulzhan Yergalieva on the personal social network page of Seidakhmet Kuttykadam  under the post “NEPRODUMANNOE NAMERENIE”, where he opposed the hasty introduction of the Latin alphabet for the Kazakh language.“

It caused hot discussion. When I read the comments, I noticed that a discussion arose between him and a certain Orazaev, who engaged in ad hominem attacks. I stood up for Kuttykadam, calling Orazaev "stupid". I said "If you are so stupid that you cannot understand the meaning of the article, then maybe you shouldn't enter the discussion". And after a while I learned that Orazayev had sued me for libel, ”Yergalieva told the KazTAG news agency.


- The Ministry of Information and Social Development put forward for discussion the Rules of  journalists (representatives of the media) attending peaceful assemblies and the forms of the journalist's distinctive signs.

The rules require that a journalist should have a journalist's ID and one or more approved distinctive signs, while covering a peaceful assembly. The distinctive signs are described in Appendix 2 to the Order of the Minister. In accordance with  paragraph 4 of the Rules, the executive body “to ensure the professional activities of a journalist (interviewing, briefings), the local executive body takes measures to provide journalists with an Operational Press Center for the media in the following cases:1) if the estimated number of participants in a peaceful assembly, declared in the notification on holding peaceful assemblies or in the application for approval, exceeds 200 people;2) at the request of the media to the local executive body.

The media request should be submitted no later than one working day before the day of the peaceful assembly, following no particular form, but  indicating the number of journalists. "An operational press center should be roped off by  tape and should ensure sufficient visibility for photographing, filming and receiving interviews, and provided with electricity. At the same time, the journalist has the right to collect information at peaceful meetings both on the territory of the operational press center and outside it.


- Due to the pandemic, the Kazakh mass media are facing great economic difficulties.

The forecast for the loss of advertising revenue this year is calculated on average from 30% to 60%, told  Minister of Information and Public Development Aida Balayeva. According to her, the predicted losses  of 60 television and radio channels are equal to T810.855 million, which is 55.6% of revenues for 2020,  predicted losses of 50 print media is equal - KZT1.551m, which is 32.01% of revenues for 2020. The losses caused by the state of emergency and  currency devaluation.


2  judicial acts were issued against media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression , the receipt and dissemination of information on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation in June 2020. None of them was in favor of the defendants.

 The following charges were filed  in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression in June:

- 7 criminal charges, including 2  in court.

- 9 claims and suits in civil procedure. 8 of them were claims for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.


The following charges were filed since the beginning of the year:

- 36 criminal charges including 12 in court

- 17 administrative charges.

- 45 claims and suits in civil procedure.

Among them, 37 claims and lawsuits for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

- Claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage amounted to 70 million 600 thousand  tenge. The courts collected 755 thousand  993  tenge.


The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.


Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi



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Violations of Freedom of Speech in Kazakhstan June 2020
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