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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan.May 2020

1 may 2020

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" conducted a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in May 2020.


It reports:

-  On May 6, the Mazhilis (the lower chamber of the Parliament) approved in the second reading the bill on the transfer of Article “slander” from the Criminal Code to the Administrative Code.

Депутаты Мажилиса парламента одобрили во втором чтении проект закона РК «О внесении изменений и дополнений в некоторые законодательные акты РК по вопросам исполнительного производства и уголовного законодательства».

The deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament approved in the second reading the draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Amendments and Additions to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Enforcement Proceedings and Criminal Legislation”.

The bill excludes article 130 - “Slander” from the Criminal Code. Slander charge is transferred to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Administrative Offenses”.

To do that Chapter 10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Administrative offenses encroaching on the rights of an individual - is supplemented by article "73-3. Slander".

It is proposed to introduce the following types of punishment for disseminating knowingly false information discrediting the honor and dignity of another person or undermining his\her reputation:

- a fine in the amount of 160 Monthly calculated index (MCI) or administrative arrest for a period of 15 days for individuals; a fine  in the amount of 550 MCI or administrative arrest for a period of 20 days for an official.

For slander committed publicly or using the media or telecommunications networks, the bill proposes:

- a fine  in the amount of 180 MCI or administrative arrest for a period of 20 days for an individual;

- a fine  in the amount of 650 MCI or an administrative arrest for a period of 25 days for an official.

The actions stated in the first and second parts,  expressed in accusation  of  corruption, or committing grave or especially grave crime are punishable by a fine  in the amount of 200 MCI or an arrest for 25 days for an individual, a fine in the amount of 750 MCI or an administrative arrest for a period of 30 days for an official .

The draft law “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Improving Enforcement Proceedings and Criminal Legislation” amended  Article 174 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Incitement to social, national, tribal, racial, class or religious hatred.In the title of Art. 174 the word “Stir up” is replaced by the word “Incitement”.

The offense under 174 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan is additionally punished by  penalty  in the amount of 2000 MCI to 7000 MCI or restriction or imprisonment (the current criminal code provides restriction of freedom for a period of 2 to 7 years or imprisonment for the same term).

The draft law amends 9 codes and 8 laws.


- On May 25, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed the Law “On the procedure for organizing and conducting peaceful meetings in the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

- The court banned the activities of Koshe Partiasy (Koshe Party) throughout Kazakhstan. The court found that  this party is the banned  Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan (DVK) movement acting under a new name.

On May 19, the Yesil District Court of Nur-Sultan upheld the claim of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan to recognize that the name of the DVK movement was changed to the Koshe partiasy movement.“The court found that“ DVK ”changed its name to Koshe partiasy ”and it is the same extremist organization,” the Prosecutor General’s press release said.The court banned the activities of “DVK” throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan under the new name “Koshe partiasy”, including using of this name in media, telecommunications networks, social networks, instant messengers and video hosting services, and  distributing  information materials.


- A journalist from Aktau was reprimanded for publishing a comic picture in her personal social network account.

After journalist Olga Zolotykh posted the comic picture “Aktau inhabitants are afraid to call an ambulance because the welders come with doctors” on Instagram on April 21, the employer  demanded an explanatory report from her and handed in a reprimand order.

The journalist was accused of publishing a post in her personal account being a journalist of “Mangystau-Media”, though she didn’t say a word about her place of work or her profession. Besides she was blamed for “prompting actions with a negative character, in this case, refusal to call an ambulance for illness” by her post.

Also, Olga Zolotikh accused in allegedly mocking at  the death of a soldier from COVID-19 in Mangistau. The journalist replies that “the person died on April 24, and the post was  deleted from Instagram on April 22. Nevertheless the head of the media outlet said that she  allegedly insulted the feelings of the family of the deceased by the fact that this post was forwarded in messengers by other people. “I don’t know what I have to do with people who wanted to forward that picture" she said.

Also the reprimand order called Olga’s post was called “conspiracy theological”.

The reprimand also lists articles of the Labor Code that are the reasons for disciplinary punishment for violation of labor discipline. According to Zolotikh it was the only reprimand order in her carrier.

"The management of  MM (Mangystau-Media) believe it s a kind of vice police or the chief censor and forgets that there is the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, that guarantees  anyone the right to expression and freedom of word  (of course, if such word does not call for the overthrow of the political system and others scary things). First of all, I am a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and only after that I am a journalist of any media outlet"- the journalist wrote.


- A representative of the hospital # 12 in Almaty demanded to institute criminal proceedings against a journalist of “Channel 31” for disseminating false information about the number of people infected with COVID-19.

Irina Sovezhan, a journalist and newsreader at Channel 31, was called by a local policeman on a public holiday on May 1 to give explanations on her Facebook post dated April 12, 2020. The policeman explained that on April 13 the representative of the 12th hospital, lawyer E. Abdukasimov filed a claim about the dissemination of false information about the number of persons infected with COVID-19.

In her Facebook post the journalist asked why the hospital #12 was not closed for quarantine if the number of infected persons in that hospital was growing. The journalist also asked  the medical authorities of the city and the country (Minister Yelzhan Birtanov) about the resettlement of the doctors who contacted the infected persons, whether it was true that they were accommodated by small groups of several persons in the same room and if there was a possibility that they could infect one another. Sovezhan’s call to the police caused a heated discussion in the journalistic community on social networks. In the evening of May 2  Irina Sovezhan received an e-mail from the address of the Central City Clinical Hospital apologizing “for the inconvenience”. The message was not sealed, signed and was not written on an official form of the hospital.   The author of the letter continued to accuse the journalist of disseminating false information on the number of persons infected with COVID-19 arguing that the tests results were available not on April 12 when she made her Facebook post but the day after April 13.


- Criminal charges against Shymkent journalist   Zaure Mirzakhodzhaeva were dropped for lack of corpus delicti.

On May 30, the journalist received the investigator's warrant from  investigator Kulbaev about dropping the criminal charges  “against a witness entitled to defend Mirzakhodzhaeva Z.B., in accordance with Article 274 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan” for the lack of corpus delicti.

Zaure reported on Facebook that one of the Shymkent government agencies regarded one of her social network post as dissemination of false information under the state of emergency and filed a claim against her asking to institute criminal proceedings. 


- Criminal charges against human rights activist Aigul Shakibaeva, who told about police brutality while detention of a driver was dropped and  written off.

On May 12, Aigul Shakibaeva, lawyer of the Commission on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities named after K. Imanaliev,  received an official letter from the head of the Investigation Department of the Police Department (DP) of Almaty, Police Colonel A. Bolatov. The letter said criminal charges against her under Part 4 of Clause 2 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (dissemination of knowingly false information during an emergency) were dropped and written off to archival storage.

As it was reported, the spokesperson of the Police Department S.Azirbek reported  unlawful actions by A. Shakibaeva. On April 8  Shakibaeva witnessed a brutal police detention of the driver of the car that was moving behind her, posted the information on Facebook and applied to the police authorities for explanation.


8  judicial acts were issued against media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression , the receipt and dissemination of information on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation in May 2020.Two of them were in favor of the defendants.

 The following charges were filed  in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression:

- 6 criminal charges, including 2  in court.3 of them are charges of disseminating false information brought against journalists, bloggers and civic activists.

- 9 claims and suits in civil procedure. 7 of them were claims for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

- 1 charge in violation of the state of emergency


The following charges were filed since the beginning of the year:

- 29 criminal charges including 9 in court

- 17 administrative charges.

- 35 claims and suits in civil procedure.

Among them, 30 claims and lawsuits for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

- Claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage amounted to 50 million 850 thousand  tenge. The courts collected 755 thousand  993  tenge.


The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.


Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi



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Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan.May 2020
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