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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. March 2020

1 march 2020

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" conducted a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in March 2020.



- On March 16, 2020, Kazakhstan imposed a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journalists faced with the problem of providing prompt and complete information about the situation with coronavirus in the country. Citizens are made liable for disseminating fake information about the virus.

Since the World Health Organization declared  the outbreak of COVID-19 a pandemic, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued a decree on imposing  a state of emergency (SE) in the country since March 16. Initially it was planned to lift hte state of emergency on April 15, but later it was  extended to April 30, 2020. Quarantine was imposed for the period of SE in the country, the activity of all places where large numbers of people gather was suspended, all public events, including family and memorable ones, were prohibited. On March 16, a ban  “on conducting audio, photo and video recordings in healthcare organizations, ambulances, rooms designated by local executive bodies for quarantine, as well as   provision of medical care at home by medical workers” was introduced in Almaty, Nur-Sultan , Shymkent and regions. State institutions began to give briefings and press conferences on situation with COVID-19 online, that made it difficult for journalists to get complete latest information on acute issues. A new algorithm has been introduced under command of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 23. In accordance to it, all information from government agencies on the coronavirus should be  gathered at the information center of the Ministry of Information and Public Development (MIPD)  for unified coordination and centralization of the media . Starting from March 23, Minister of Information and Public Development Dauren Abayev is giving daily briefings on the situation. Only  2-3 questions are asked on the air, and  the minister gives short answers without providing any  details.

On March 17, the Ministry of Information and Public Development (MIPD) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, that performs the functions of control over compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of mass media, notified Kazakhstanis that the state of emergency assumes more serious liability for administrative and criminal offenses. In this regard, the Ministry draws the attention of the media, users of social networks and instant messengers "to the need for strict observance of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the state of emergency, to prevent the spread of knowingly false information, as well as other illegal information that can destabilize the situation in the country." Media reports that pre-trial investigations on  dissemination of knowingly false information (article 274 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan) are initiated by police departments against citizens.

- Due to  imposing quarantine in the country, many print media had to suspend their activities.

On March 31, Uralsk Week informed readers of the suspension of the print version of the newspaper. “The main and only reason is the imposing  an enhanced quarantine  in Uralsk and in the West Kazakhstan region. In accordance with the  terms of the enhanced quarantine, many sales points where our newspaper is available will be closed. Besides, many our subscribers will not be able to come to the editorial office under the enhanced quarantine, ”the newspaper says. The support staff of our newspaper was sent on holidays without pay.

On March 30, quarantine was imposed in the cities of Karaganda, Abay, Sarani, Temirtau, Shakhtinsk, the work of sales points where newspapers and magazines were available was suspended.

On March 31, 6 media outlets of the region signed an appeal to the akim (mayor) of the Karaganda region, in which, while not denying the importance of quarantine measures, the editors stated that newspapers could not be attributed  to other non-food items. After all, they fall under the concept of an important socially significant sphere and are engaged in ideological work. The editors asked the akim to intercede for the media before the regional emergency response center and ask not to impede the sale of newspapers in grocery stores.

On March 31, representatives of 20 media outlets, two publishing houses and four Almaty press distributors asked the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Askar Mamin, to support  print media production and distribution companies in Kazakhstan  amid the country's response to COVID-19. The authors of the appeal ask to allow work of those compamies as usual, to provide support distributing and delivering press products with reliable, useful,  relevant  news to the readers, especially  socially vulnerable ones .


- The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan instructed the Committee of the National Security, the Prosecutor General and the Ministry of information and public development to monitor public mood and social networks.

On March 23, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, instructed the Committee of the National Security, the Prosecutor General and the Ministry of information and public development to monitor  public mood and social networks, and to take “special control” over preventing spread of rumors and provocative information. “Any attempts to disseminate such information should be harshly suppressed, authors must be identified and punished,” Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev said.


- Kazakhstan rated as a "non-free" country in the annual report of Freedom House.

On March 4 international human rights organization Freedom House published its annual report on political rights and civil liberties. The report consists of numerical ratings and a descriptive report for each country. This year it   was entitled "Freedom in the World 2020: A leaderless struggle for democracy" It studied events in 195 countries and 15 territories from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. Freedom House says global freedom is getting worse for the 14th consecutive year. The report notes that “authoritarian states” severely harass protesters. Kazakhstan  scored of 23 - 5 points (with a maximum of 40) for political rights and 18 points (maximum score of 60) for civil liberties, as in previous years and was included to the group of “non-free countries”.


- The draft law "On Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Issues of Responsibility for Slander" was published for discussion.

Human rights activists believe that the bill proposed by the Prosecutor General’s Office,  proposes even more severe measures instead of decriminalization, and such measures that actually infringe on the constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech. A draft law On Introducing Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Kazakhstan on  Issued of Responsibility for Slander has been posted on the Open LAW website for discussion. As it stated in the concept of the bill, it was developed in accordance with paragraph 20 of the Action Plan for the implementation of the president’s instructions given at the second meeting of the National Council of Public Trust. Paragraph 20 stipulates the decriminalization of Art. 130 of the Criminal Code.

The developer of the bill the Prosecutor General’s Office, proposes to include Article 73-3 "Slander" to the Code of Administrative Offenses, and define punishment for “the dissemination of knowingly false information discrediting the honor and dignity of another person or undermining his\her reputation” by:

- fines for an individual from 150 to 200 MCI or arrest from 15 to 25 days (depending on the type of slander);

- fines for an official from 500 to 750 MCI or arrest from 20 to 30 days (depending on the type of slander).

Adil Soz believes that the bill proposed by the Prosecutor General’s Office, in fact, proposes  even more severe measures instead of decriminalizing and these measures actually infringe on the constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech.

“At present, both criminal and civil proceedings to protect such subjective categories as honor and dignity are initiated only at the request of the victim or a person who considers himself\herself to be such; the perpetrator,  pays the victim a certain amount of compensation for non-pecuniary damage in accordance with court ruling. The bill makes this type of offense private-public, introduces administrative protocols and gives the the internal affairs bodies right to draw such protocols. The bill offers very large fines, but does not mean any compensation for non-pecuniary damage to the victim.  In fact it is proposed to apply state coercion measures to private disputes of people without any reason, and such measures include administrative arrest, reconduction etc., ”says Adil Soz in its open letter to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“Adil soz” believes that “the resolution of private disputes on the protection of honor and dignity cannot be conducted administratively using measures of state coercion” and requests that the bill on decriminalizing slander should be drafted by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to include this type of offense to the Civil Code of Kazakhstan.


- The head of public Internet television 101tv.kz Botagoz Omarova was attacked by a Eurasia Building security guard in Karaganda.

Botagoz said that she came to the office of Eurasia Building to hand in an information request. The request was not accepted for a long time. At first the journalist was said that there is no documentation office in  Eurasia Building, then the employees of the organization were refusing  to put a stamp on a copy of the information request for s long time. As a result, Botagoz was waiting in the lobby of the company from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM. At that time, employees of the KazPolymetal company, which is an affiliate of Eurasia Building, came there. They said that they did not get their salaries. Botagoz began to talk to them and to make video  on her mobile phone. Botagoz told the KazTAG news agency: "This security guard, a middle-aged man,  jumped out, dragged me out to the street, grabbed my phone, started to beat me, hit me several times on the porch of the building."

Botagoz did not expect that so she fell down after the blow to the chest and hurt herself seriously. Botagoz says she saw the guard's legs in front of her face, as if he wanted to kick her. One KazPolymetal jumped out to the street and stood between Botagoz and the guard who was beating her, and cried him not to dare  to beat a woman. The guard replied that she was not a woman, "this is scum, a bitch, a f**ing journalist."

Botagoz called the police. The police arrived quickly.“

At that moment, the company made a decision and took the workers to the assembly hall. And, it seemed that  they were brought out through the back exit. As a result, no witnesses to the beating were there when police arrived, ”the journalist said

 to the KazTAG news agency. - Those people saw how he (security guard - KazTAG) beat me. The only hope is that the police would see the beating in the video. He (the guard - KazTAG) deleted the video with those people are filled with indignation from my phone. He was searching my phone. Now the employees of the company say that I'm lying, ”the journalist says.

According to Botagoz, police officers behaved professionally. She almost immediately met with the deputy head of the Central Police Department. When he found out that the recordings from the hall of the company were not seized by the police officers, he became indignant and immediately sent them back - to bring the guard and the video records.Botagoz was sent for examination to the forensic medical examination, but  it turned out that it works until 12 PM and will not work the next day. She was asked to come on Thursday.The journalist is greatly shocked by what happened and emotionally depressed. Police accepted Botagoz's complaint.  She is not inclined to reconciliation and is intended to apply  to court.



3  judicial acts were issued against media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression , the receipt and dissemination of information on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation in March 2020. Two of them were in favor of the media, journalists and citizens.

The following charges were filed  in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression:

- 13 criminal charges, including 5  in court.8 of them are charges of disseminating false information brought against citizens for spreading fakes about coronavirus.

- 6 claims and suits in civil procedure. Four of them were claims for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

Claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage in March 2020 amounted to 2 mln tenge.

The following charges were filed since the beginning of the year:

- 23 criminal charges.

- 21 claims and suits in civil procedure.

Among them, 18 claims and lawsuits for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

- Claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage amounted to 28 million 500 thousand  and 3  tenge. The courts collected 330 thousand  993  tenge.

- 1 administrative charge




The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.


Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi
e-mail: lena@adilsoz.kz



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Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. March 2020
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