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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. March 2019

1 march 2019


The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" conducted a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in March 2019.



It reports:

- On March 19 Nursultan Nazarbayev resigned from the presidency of Kazakhstan. The Speaker of the Senate of Parliament Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev took office as president till the end of the election term.

On March 19, Nursultan Nazarbayev resigned from the presidency of Kazakhstan. Senate Speaker Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev became acting president of the country.

Nursultan Nazarbayev kept the position of the chairman of the Security Council of Kazakhstan. The Security Council is a constitutional body that coordinates the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of national security and  defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to preserve domestic political stability, protect the constitutional system, state independence, territorial integrity and national interests of Kazakhstan in the international arena.

Nursultan Nazarbayev also stayed the leader of the Nur Otan party.

On March 20, Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev took office as the president of the country till the end of the presidency term.


- On March 14, at the plenary meeting in Strasbourg, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the situation of human rights in Kazakhstan. The document mentions such violations as the vague wording of articles 174 and 274 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning the incitement of discord and the dissemination of deliberately false information that the authorities use to “prosecute civil society activists and journalists”.

On March 14, at the plenary meeting in Strasbourg, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the situation of human rights in Kazakhstan. The document mentions such violations as the vague wording of articles 174 and 274 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning the incitement of discord and the dissemination of deliberately false information that the authorities use to “prosecute civil society activists and journalists”.

 The resolution also saya about "increasing legislative pressure relating to the activities of non-governmental organizations”, of harassment of citizens who “demonstrated some kind of support” to the banned movement DCK (Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan) that was declared an extremist organization in Kazakhstan.The resolution contains a number of recommendations, including the requirements to free political prisoners, to stop brining pressure upon  independent trade unions, to revise the amendments to the law on mass media and to certain provisions of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan should stop “all forms of arbitrary detentions, repressions and harassment of human rights defenders, civil society organizations and opposition political movements,” the resolution says. The European Parliament called on the authorities of Kazakhstan to "follow international commitments and to respect human rights and basic civil liberties," as well as "to stop all forms of political repressions."


- On March 21-22 there were mass arrests of citizens. The journalists covering those events faced the facts of impeding their professional activities. One of the members of a group of youngsters that actively impeded journalists' activity had police on Svetlana Glushkova, the correspondent of Present Time, and accused her of   beating.

On March 21, a journalist from Uralsk, Lukpan Akhmedyarov, was detained by anti-riot police on the Old square in front of the Astana akimat (mayor's office) for trying to keep a provocateur off from a journalist who interviewed citizens about the renaming of the capital. Akhmedyarov was taken to the police station. The questions of the investigator concerned his ties with the DCK and participation in an unauthorized rally. Since the journalist had no ties with the banned organization, he was released.

On March 22, in Kostanay, police detained blogger Nikolaos Marmalidi, who conducted and videotaped a survey of citizens celebrating Nauryz. The security officials explained the detention by an anonymous call about a suspicious man. The police did not give any explanations on the reasons of the suspicions and how it related to the blogger. At the police station, the blogger was asked about his actions on the street before the detention. Before releasing Marmalidi, the police deleted the videos and the interviews from the mobile phone and the video camera of the blogger.  According to Nikolaos, police also damaged his equipment.

On March 22 in Astana, the Present Time correspondent Svetlana Glushkova was detained by the police while she was making live reporting of the detentions of citizens at the Shapagat shopping center. At the moment the detention, the police stated that there a certain woman reported her to police. The journalist spent five hours at the police station. According to Glushkova's lawyer Tulegen Shaikov,  no protocol was drawn up and the claims of that woman were not presented while Glushkova was at the police station. He said that the victim  was not there either. Shaikov supossed that the purpose of the detention was to prevent Glushkova from being at the event and to cover it. While the lawyer was talking to the correspondent of Radio Azattyk, police officers, in particular, the head of the Department of Internal Affairs police captain Roman Malikov, served the lawyer a summons to appear at the Saryarka police department.

On March 31, Svetlana Glushkova was detained again  at the airport of the capital, where she flew from a work trip to Almaty. She was held at the airport for about four hours before  a protocol was drawn up and  copies of the materials of the administrative case and a subpoena to appear on April 1 in the administrative court of the Saryarka district of Nur-Sultan were served to her. The correspondent of "Present Time" is accused of allegedly pushing a girl who tried to prevent her from covering the arrests of the protesters on March 22 in  Nur-Sultan.

Human rights activists called on the Kazakh authorities to stop harassing journalists.

On March 23, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, that  Radio Azattyk and Present Time TV channel belong to, condemned the actions of the Kazakhstani authorities against journalists of these media during detentions in Almaty and Astana on March 22. In an official statement, RFE / RL, in particular, refers to the detention of the Present Time journalist Svetlana Glushkova on March 22 in Astana while she was covering the detentions of citizens in the capital. According to the organization’s statement, that incident is the fourth one when  Azattyk and “Present Time” journalists are detained in Kazakhstan. The cameraman who worked with Svetlana Glushkova was injured in the leg during the events of March 22 in Astana.The teams of Azattyk and “Present Time” also faced similar situations in Almaty. Besides, Kuanyshbek Kari, the head of the Almaty Bureau of Azattyk "urgently" summoned to the akimat (mayor's office), where representatives of city authorities and prosecutors accused Azattyk of "one-sided coverage of political events" and "incitement to discord." Acting  President of RFE / RL Daisy Sindelar called the event “a blatant attempt to intimidate independent journalists and control coverage of political events in media.”


On March 28, the International Organization for the Protection of the Rights of Journalists “Reporters Without Borders” called on the Kazakh authorities to stop harassing journalists. The organization tweeted: “Local authorities should stop persecuting journalists and impeding their work.”


On March 29, nine non-governmental organizations appealed to the country's leaders demanding to put an end to the lawlessness against journalists. The appeal is addressed to President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.Tokaev, Secretary of the Security Council R.K. K.Kasymov,  Prosecutor General of Kazakhstan G.Nurdauletov, Minister of Internal Affairs of KKazakhstan E.Turgumbayev and the Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, D.Abaev. The authors of the appeal demand "to put an end to the recently increasing lawlessness with regard to the right of citizens to freedom of expression and the right of journalists to perform their professional activities." The appeal was signed by the President of the International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adil Soz” T.Kaleyeva, Chairman of the Board of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan S. Matayev, Executive Director of Public fund “Charter for Human Rights” J. Turmagambetova, Director of the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights  and the rule of law E.Zhovtis, Director of the International Center for Journalism MediaNet  I. Brattsev, President, Public fund “League of Judicial Journalists” S. Mauletby, President, PF “Ar.Ruh.Hak” B.Toregogina, President of PF “International legal initiative A.Shormanbaeva, President of the PF“ Liberty ”G.Ageleuov, Director of the NGO“ Kadir-Kasiet ”A. Ibrayeva


10 judicial acts were issued against media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression , the receipt and dissemination of information on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation in March. Eight of them were in favor of the media, journalists and citizens.

The following actions chrges were filed in March in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression:

- 3 criminal charges, including 3 in court.

- 12 claims and suits in civil procedure. Among them, 12 claims and lawsuits for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

- Claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage amounted to 12 million tenge in March. The courts collected 300 thousand tenge.

The following actions chrges were filed since the beginning of the year:

- 11 criminal charges.

- 25 claims and suits in civil procedure. Among them, 24 claims and lawsuits for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

- Claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage amounted to 64 million tenge. Thecourtscollected 1 million 550 thousandtenge.

- 1 – administrative offence charge.

Sania Toiken reporter of RadioAzattyk , who was detained on the night of March 12, 2019 in a cafe in Zhanaozen during a dinner with her friends, must pay a fine of 20 MRI (50,500 tenge) for disobeying a lawful order or a police officer. Such a decision was made by a specialized administrative court of the city of Zhanaozen that found  her guilty of committing an offense under Art. 667 of the Code of Administrative Offence of Kazakhstan. As   the motivation part of the court order reads, disobedience meant that the journalist refused to go to the police station to testify about a scuffle in a cafe, which she had not witnessed, provided false personal data, refused a medical examination. Sania Toiken and her lawyer Tanatar Isekeshev do not agree with the decision of the court and intend to  appeal it. As it was reported, S.Toyken and her friends, had a dinner in a separate booth of the cafe and after that they went to the exit, where they were detained by the police under the pretext of being witnesses of a skirmish in the cafe. The police ignored all the arguments of the journalist that they did not hear anything and, moreover, did not have the physical ability to see anything.


The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.


Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi
e-mail: lena@adilsoz.kz


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Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. March 2019
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