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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. April 2019

1 april 2019


The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" conducted a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in April 2019.


It reports:


- Civil activists Asiya Tulesova and Beybarys Tolymbekov were arrested for 15 days for the poster “There is no escape from the truth. I have a choice". Human rights activists consider the detention and the court ruling to be illegal. An Almaty resident was also subjected to administrative punishment for placing a poster in support of civil society activists saying “The people shall be the only source of governmental power”.

On the morning of April 21, during the marathon in Almaty, civil activists Asiya Tulesova and Beybarys Tolymbekov placed a poster in the street saying “There is no escape from the truth. I have a choice". They were detained by police and on the same day, court sentened them for 15 days of administrative arrest  for violating the procedure for holding peaceful assemblies.The Minister of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan, Yerlan Turgumbayev, commenting on the detention, said that the activists "obstructed the marathon.

"On April 22, the Almaty Police Department reported: people who wanted to take pictures of the poster began to run out onto the roadway, thus creating an obstacle to the movement of the marathon participants: “a crush and panic could occur and lead to deplorable consequences.”

On April 23, three human rights organizations of Kazakhstan - the Charter for Human Rights, the International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz", the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law - criticized the explanations of the police: “a)“ People who wanted to to photograph, thereby creating obstacles to the movement of the participants in the marathon ”- it cannot be considered to be true, since it contradicts the video recoding of the marathon; b) “there could be a crush and panic and lead to deplorable  consequences” - it cannot be considered an evidence of the offense, since it is nothing more than  unfounded assumptions; c) “on the part of the offenders, there was obvious disrespect for the participants of the marathon” - it cannot be considered in a judicial procedure, as they fall into the category of value judgments ”.

Human rights activists consider the detention and the court ruling to be contradicting the law. It is stated in the joint statement to Asanov, the chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan,  and G. Nurdauletov, the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


30-year-old Roman Zakharov, who placed a poster in support of A. Tulesova and B. Tolymbekov saying “The people shall be the only source of governmental power,”  was detained early in the morning of April 29.

According to the Almaty Police Department, Zakharov was detained after a call to the operations center claiming that “an unknown man throws about paper, consumables and other items at the intersection of Al-Farabi Avenue and Dostyk Street  thereby disturbing public order.”

The crew of the traffic police reacted to the call. The man behaved defiantly and refused to eliminate his offense, "- the police statement said.

A resident of Almaty was taken to the police station, where the police drew up an administrative protocol, that was sent over to the court.

On April 29,  administrative court arrested R. Zakharov for five days.

On the same day, the appeals instance changed the decision of the administrative court, replacing five days of arrest with an administrative fine.


- On the eve of May 1, the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan, the Prosecutor General's Office warned Kazakhstanis about responsibility for participating in unauthorized rallies.

On April 29, the Prosecutor General’s Office on its website published  an appeal to Kazakhstanis about responsibility for participating in unsanctioned rallies.

“Calls for participation on May 1 in unauthorized rallies are disseminated in social networks and messengers. The General Prosecutor’s Office warns that if such actions are held, the actions of the participants  will be qualified as a major breach of the law on the procedure for organizing and holding peaceful meetings and rallies,” reads the statement, signed by Deputy Prosecutor General Marat Akhmetzhanov.

“Responsibility under Article 488 of the Code of Administrative Offenses comes for calls for such actions, organization, participation in them.

If these actions cause substantial damage, the perpetrators are subject to prosecution under Article 400 of the Criminal Code, ” - warns the Prosecutor General’s Office and urges citizens to refrain from participating in illegal actions.


- The lawyer of Kokshetau the central outpatient hospital, Yerbolat Temerbekov, attacked the team of the KTK channel while they were recording an interview.

According to Aizat Turkynbekkyzy, KTK reporter for Aqmola region,  on April 9 they came to the central city outpatient hospital of Kokshetau  together with the mother of a little girl who died after receiving a preventive vaccination against measles.

When the cameraman was making video of the medical examination report on the causes of the child’s death in the corridor of the state hospital, the  lawyer  of the organization snatched the microphone from the reporter and began to push her away with all his might. Then he attacked the cameraman and hit the video camera with the full swing of the microphone. As a result, the microphone was smashed, the video camera was damaged, and two fingernails were torn off the journalist's hand. All this happened in full view of a large number of people.

The arrived policemen took E. Temerbekov to the city police department. Pre-trial investigation was initiated  on the fact of “Hooliganism”.


- Journalist Alina Sushko acquitted of libel.

On April 19, the court number 2 of Kostanay acquitted Alina Sushko, a correspondent for the TobolInfo news agency, innocent of a criminal offense under art. 130 h. 2 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (“Libel”) for absence of elements of crime in the act.

The court also ordered to recover legal costs in the amount of 60,000 tenge from the private prosecutor in favor of the journalist  and recognize the right of the acquitted to compensation for moral damage caused by unlawful criminal prosecution.

Alina Sushko was accused of libel by the police captain Almat Agadilov, the head of the Kostanai airport’s linear police station. The reason was the article "The head of the airport linear police station that was swearing down a subordinate, got a promotion", published on the news agency website on August 7, 2018.

The police captain claims that all information in the artilce is defamatory and damages the honor and dignity of his entire family.

11 judicial acts were issued against media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression , the receipt and dissemination of information on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation in April. 7 of them were in favor of the media, journalists and citizens.

The following charges were filed in April in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression:

- 5 criminal charges, including 4 in court.

- 3 claims and suits in civil procedure. Among them, 3 claims and lawsuits for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

- Claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage on cases on protection of honor, dignity and business reputation amounted to 1 million 100 thousand tenge in April.

The following charges were filed since the beginning of the year:

- 16 criminal charges.

- 28 claims and suits in civil procedure.

Among them, 27 claims and lawsuits for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

- Claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage amounted to 65 million 100 thousand tenge. Thecourtscollected 1 million750 thousandtenge.

- 5 – administrativeoffencecharge.


The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.


Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi
e-mail: lena@adilsoz.kz


For all questions regarding the  monitoring, you may also contact



Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. April 2019
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