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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. January 2019

1 january 2019

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" conducted a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in January 2019.


- At the request of Adil Soz the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan provided the “Report on the research of domestic and foreign legislation and experience in the field of media regulation and broadcasting”, which, according to the director of the state policy on media, will serve as the basis of the new media law.

It’s not published on the ministry’s website, so with the permission of the authorized body we publish it at http://www.adilsoz.kz/politcor/show/id/242/parent/2 The ministry paid over 13 million tenge for this research and, to put it mildly, the preliminary discussion of this work caused a lot of doubts. It is large, 170 pages, but we advise you to be patient and you will find a lot of interesting things there.

 As human rights activists believe, the recommendations of the authors of the report are not encouraging:

At the demand of Adil Soz, the Ministry of Information and Communications sent a "Report on the study of domestic and foreign legislation and experience in the field of media regulation and broadcasting." It’s not posted on the ministry’s website, so  we publish it at http://www.adilsoz.kz/politcor/show/id/242/parent/2 with the permission of the authorized body.

The ministry paid for this study over 13 million tenge and a preliminary discussion of this research caused a lot of doubts to put it mildly. The reearch is large, 170 pages, but we advise you to be patient and read to, and you will find a lot of interesting things there.

The ideas it contains are very democratic. The authors honestly acknowledged the “high degree of legal regulation of public relations occuring in the course of media activities,” the inconsistency of responsibility for libel with international standards, the inefficiency of state information order, etc.

They have studied a lot of literature and well described world problems and researches related to the penetration of the Internet into our lives.

The recommendations do not inspire optimism. Very few of them are concrete, and most of the recommendations are fed on zealous concern for the secrecy of personal life. For example: “it should be stipulated that a person who has information that someone intends to disseminate information or images related to his/her private life may initiate an emergency legal process, such as a simplified procedure of temporary court order to cease the dissemination of such information, based on the court’s evaluation of the cause of the claim on intrusion upon privacy. ” “In general, Kazakhstan has created a sufficient legislative base to ensure citizens’ information rights, ”- the researchers hired by the ministry state. Their conclusion is:“ The main problem in ensuring the citizens’ information rights in Kazakhstan is the exact separation of freedom of opinion and privacy. In order to legally establish a balance between these two fundamental rights, it is advisable to legally provide the right to be forgotten in the law on personal data, and to bring the legislation on mass media in line with the legislation on personal data.”

            Nothing is said about the obstacles in establishing new media, unreasonable restrictions and punishments, devastating compensations, but there is cheap flattery to the client - the Ministry of Information and Communications. It is surprising that the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan is missing from the list of reference legal links (Isn't it the reason why unintentional infliction of emotional distress was left unattended?). The idea that “the fact that the Information Kazakhstan 2020 program has ceased to exist may indicate early achievement of the set priorities,” seems to lack logics and the very composition of the research looks dissonant.

But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that this study, according to Bekzat Rakhimov, Director of the Department of State Media Policy, will be the basis for the new media law. “What it (the law) will be like - we are still thinking about it. We conducted research and now we are at the stage of receiving results. Initially, there will be an interdepartmental discussion, where we will decide which version to present to the public for discussion. It will be a new law on mass media, maybe it will be the law “On Mass Communication” or a law that will unify laws on mass media and on television and radio broadcasting. Perhaps it will be a code on information issues, where several separate chapters will be devoted to the media. There are plenty of options, ” he explained at the XI Media Congress (https://forbes.kz/massmedia/ministerstvo_informatsii_hochet_bolshe_regulirovat_internet/).

And what about other studies that were made by world-renowned experts? Noting is said about them. What about the recommendations of the OSCE, UN, UNESCO? Some of them are mentioned in the study,  2-3 phrases are cited, but in general those recommendations were put aside. And what about national independent experts and journalists?

Last year, “Adil Soz” offered to the ministry to start the work on the new law together and received an answer: wait until the government decides on the concept, it will take a long time to do. Everyone must silently wait till the interdepartmental hangout gives birth to the new bill and presents it to us. That's when we will be allowed to bark on the official caravan that is moving on.

 - The international human rights organization Human Rights Watch notes that in 2018 the situation in the field of human rights in Kazakhstan remains negative.

The international human rights organization Human Rights Watch in its annual report World Report 2018 stated that there were no significant changes in the field of human rights in Kazakhstan and the situation remains negative. "Freedom of speech. HRW: “Independent journalists continue to be harassed, arbitrarily detained, and are subject to falsified criminal charges.

”Freedom of the Internet. HRW: “The authorities have blocked websites, including social networks,” the report of the international organization says.

 - The criminal case on charges of impeding the professional activities of the journalist Oleg Gusev by the managers of ArcelorMittal Temirtau was suspended due to the absence of corpus delicti. The journalist intends to file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office about the decision of the investigating authorities.

As it was reported the story began in October 2018. The origin of the case was a claim for protection of the business reputation of ArcelorMittal Temirtau against Oleg Gusev. During the trial  the journalist presented an agreement between him and the company. According to the document, the journalist must fully admit the stated claims and stop publishing any negative information about the activities of AMT. For its part, the company undertakes to "unblock" the contractor where the relative of the journalist works. Oleg Gusev considered this to be blackmail and posted a relevant statement on Facebook. The police of the Karaganda region while monitoring the social network, discovered this statement and opened a criminal case under part 2 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Impending the legitimate professional activities of a journalist).

The journalist’s legal representative, Kamil Karimov, disagreed with recharacterization and dismissal of the case: “At first, they recharacterized the case from the second part to the first part of the article, removing all qualifying signs and discontinuing the pretrial investigation, referring to the absence of corpus delicti in the actions of the suspects. We certainly do not agree, but I cannot disclose the grounds of our disagreement - it's secret information. The complaint was prepared, we will go to the Attorney General. We intend to advocate our rights to the end, ”said Kamil Karimov to the Kursive correspondent.We remind you that responsibility for impeding the professional activities of a journalist has been in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 1998. Some cases were initiated under this article, but none was sent for trial.

 - Yermurat Bapi informed that  some “bearded people in civilian clothes” are buying in bulk the latest issue of the newspaper “DAT. Social position in Almaty.

 On January 31, the “reader-in-chief” of the newspaper “DAT. Social position” Yermurat Bapi told on his Facebook page that in Almaty some “bearded people in civilian clothes” are buying in bulk the latest issue of the newspaper at kiosks, trading stalls in the markets and from large wholesale buyers of printed materials. "It was a well-known and everlasting technology, when, at the behest of the authorities, the entire circulation of the newspaper was bought in bulk, so that certain information would not leak to the masses. This “Akimat (city mayor's administration) operation” was mainly carried out by  internal policy specialists and the Committe of the National Security. But this time the wholesale purchase of the newspaper was made by “bearded people" and you can probably guess who they are” writes Yermurat Bapi.The reader-in-chief of DAT believes that “bearded people” are the people of the millionaire Dinmukhamed Idrisov, the hero of the publications “Who challenged Nursultan Nazarbayev?” (DAT, 01.17.2019) and “Who covers the Cheater?” (DAT , 01/31/2019).According to Bapi, on January 17 there was exactly the same situation in the markets of Almaty and Shymkent.“We remind him (the organizer of the wholesale purchase ) the words of Winston Churchill:“ To fight a newspaper like cutting a pig -  little wool, but a lot of squeals, ”writes Bapi.

 - The UN Human Rights Committee accepted the complaint of Ratel.kz.

In accordance with the procedures, Kazakhstan has three months give a responce regarding the admissibility of the case. The state may take six months to respond on the admissibility and merits of the complaint.The complaint was prepared by the international organization Article 19. It deals with violations in lawsuits initiated by businessman Zeinulla Kakimzhanov against journalists of Forbes Kazakhstan and Ratel.kz. As it was reported, in accordance to court rulings, journalists had to pay 50 million tenge.

 2 judicial acts were issued against media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression , the receipt and dissemination of information on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation in February. Both were in favor of the media, journalists and citizens.

The following actions chrges were filed in February in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression:

- 3 criminal charges, including 2 in court.

- 8 claims and suits in civil procedure. Among them, 7 claims and lawsuits for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

- Claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage amounted to 51 million tenge in February. The courts collected 1 million 450  thousand tenge.


The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.

 Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi
e-mail: lena@adilsoz.kz

 For all questions regarding the  monitoring, you may also contact

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. January 2019
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