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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan October, 2018

1 october 2018

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" conducted a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in October 2018.

It reports:

- The Almaty City Court in the appeal hearings found leal the order of the Ministry of Information and Communications “On invalidation of the registration  certificate of online edition“ The analytical Internet portal Ratel.kz ”and upheld the decision of the Medeu district court to ban the popular edition.

On May 28, Gulmira Beisenova, the judge of the Medeu district court of Almaty, ruled to cease publishing of Ratel.kz online edition, canceled the registration and banned the use of the domain name Ratel.kz in the Kazakhstan media segment of the Internet for one year with the same or duplicating name.

Besdies, the court ruled to prohibit Marat Asipov, the editor-in-chief of the analytical Internet portal Ratel.kz to distribute information materials under the name Ratel.kz in media, Internet resources and domain names Ratel.kz, Balborsyk.kz, Wildratel.com, Itau.kz and others domain names.

The trial was initiated by A. Aitzhanov, the prosecutor of the Medeu district of Almaty. The prosecutor explained his demands as follows:

-  information is published on the domain name Ratel.kz  after the death of its owner Gennady Benditsky (the Ratel.kz domain was registered to Gennady Benditsky. The journalist died after a serious illness on December 3, 2017);

- Balborsyk.kz used of the rights of  Ratel.kz owner;

- the hardware and software complex hosting the Ratel.kz Internet resource is located outside the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- articles are published in Kazakh and English as well, although only Russian is indicated in the certificate of registration of Ratel.kz.

As the prosecutor believes, all those facts violate the norms of the “Rules for registration, use and distribution of domain names in the space of the Kazakhstani segment of the Internet” (paragraphs 17. 23) and the law “On Mass Media” (paragraphs 5, 6, art. 10, pp 3, 4 art. 13).

Court hearings on the ban of the popular Kazakhstan information portal lasted from March 30.

On May 28, Gulmira Beisenova, the judge of the Medeu district court of Almaty, ruled to cease publishing of Ratel.kz online edition, canceled the registration and banned the use of the domain name Ratel.kz in the Kazakhstan media segment of the Internet for one year with the same or duplicating name.

Besdies, the court ruled to prohibit Marat Asipov, the editor-in-chief of the analytical Internet portal Ratel.kz to distribute information materials under the name Ratel.kz in media, Internet resources and domain names Ratel.kz, Balborsyk.kz, Wildratel.com, Itau.kz and others domain names.

The trial was initiated by A. Aitzhanov, the prosecutor of the Medeu district of Almaty. The prosecutor explained his demands as follows:

-  information is published on the domain name Ratel.kz  after the death of its owner Gennady Benditsky (the Ratel.kz domain was registered to Gennady Benditsky. The journalist died after a serious illness on December 3, 2017);

- Balborsyk.kz used of the rights of  Ratel.kz owner;

- the hardware and software complex hosting the Ratel.kz Internet resource is located outside the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- articles are published in Kazakh and English as well, although only Russian is indicated in the certificate of registration of Ratel.kz.

As the prosecutor believes, all those facts violate the norms of the “Rules for registration, use and distribution of domain names in the space of the Kazakhstani segment of the Internet” (paragraphs 17. 23) and the law “On Mass Media” (paragraphs 5, 6, art. 10, pp 3, 4 art. 13).

Court hearings on the ban of the popular Kazakhstan information portal lasted from March 30.

The children of the journalist Gennady Benditsky - Oleg Benditsky and the underage Katya (represented by Gennady's wife Anna Ustinova) participated in the hearings as third parties making independent claims on the subject of the dispute.

At a hearings on April 19, it became known that the day before, on April 18, the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan had issued order No. 2 “On invalidating the certificate of registration of the online edition “Analytical Internet portal Ratel.kz ”. The order of the Prosecutor General's Office was the predicate for the ministry's order.


The children of Gennady, Oleg and Ekaterina Benditsky  appealed the decisions and actions of “Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan” at the  district court number 2 of the Auezov district of Almaty to protect their right to inherit the domain name Ratel.kz,

On July 13, the judge of the Auezov District Court of Almaty, Gulzhan Imanserikova, rejected their claims.

On October 15, the appeal of Oleg and Ekaterina Benditsky was considered by the Almaty City Court.

The Appeals Board found the order of the Ministry of Finance legal, and dismissed the Benditsky's complaint.

On October 23, the ruling of Medeu District Court from May 28, 2018 to ban Ratel.kz entered into legal force.

Almaty City Court dismissed the appeals of the defendant, private entreprise “Kazakhstan”, Marat Asipov and third parties Oleg and Catherine Benditsky .

The journalists appealed to the UN Human Rights Committee about the courts rulings to protect their rights.


- Senator Dariga Nazarbayeva considers the biggest challenge that journalism faces -  to be a moderator or a mediator between the state and society, to be able to convey the “gibberish speech of officials” to the widest audience.

«“The ability to convey the gibberish speech of officials to the widest audience, if you'll pardon the expression. If we are talking about a health care development program, it means the ability to convey to everyone what it means for him/her personally, what we are to wish when we come to hospitals and receive medical services. If we are talking about the state program for the development of education, you should also explain every parent and teacher what the society expects from them and what the program is aimed at, and what the money is meant for and how the money is spent.

 (...) We must be able to explain people what  was said, what the parliament is doing today, what law it adopts and why it is needed, people want to know in which industries the law is adopted, will it complicate their life  or make it easier, if you pose these questions, will always be on top, will be demanded and very popular, ” said D. Nazarbayeva, addressing young journalists at the Jas Qalam forum.


- The government decree approved four state bodies that have the right to priority use, as well as to suspend the activities of networks and communications when there is a threat of an emergency or if a state of emergency is introduced.

These are:

1. The General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. The National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The decree “On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 13, 2005 No. 347“ On Approving the List of Government Agencies Communication Control Centers, that participate in managing communication networks in cases of emergency of natural and technological character ”comes into effect from the date of its signing - October 25, 2018


- The police of the Karaganda region initiated a pre-trial investigation  against the top manager of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC Galymzhan Kunakbayev for impending legal  professional activities of journalist Oleg Gusev.


5  judicial acts were issued against media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression , the receipt and dissemination of information on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation (including 1 cassation) in October. Four of them was in favor of the media, journalists and citizens.

The following actions chrges were filed since the beginning of the year in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression:

- 39 criminal charges, including 20 in court.

- 62 claims and suits in civil procedure. Among them, 51 claims and lawsuits for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

- Claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage amounted to 242 million 800 thousand and 1 tenge in January-October. The courts collected 340 thousand tenge.



The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.


Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi
e-mail: lena@adilsoz.kz


For all questions regarding the  monitoring, you may also contact




Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan October, 2018
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