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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. September, 2018

1 september 2018

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" conducted a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in September 2018.

It reports:

-- A research group under the guidance of lawyer Timur Yerdzhanov presented proposals  media legislation reform. Human rights activists believe that "this time the mountain has brought forth not a mouse, but a rat that will gobble up us all."

In the spring of 2018 the Ministry of Information and Communications of Kazakhstan announced a tender for “further improvement” of legislation after amendments to media legislation had been already adopted in December 2017. A research group under guidance of lawyer Timur Yerdzhanov won the tender.

In August media NGOs and lawyers of television companies met with the head of that group. Adil Soz send all information it had to him -  from the memorandums of Article 19, OSCE recommendations to its own concepts.

By the second meeting scheduled for September 5, the Ministry sent out “Suggested topics for discussion at the meeting”. There are only 9 topics, including:

"1. In the area of state obligations to ensure citizens' information rights:

-  to formalise organization and protect of media pluralism as the duty of the state;

- to participate in strengthening  information culture and counteracting the manipulation of information through the development of compulsory state standards of education;

- to supplement of the system of media principles with the principles of pluralism, independence of editorial policy, and non-discrimination.

4. In the area of a more precise balance between the rights to disseminate  information and  privacy protection:

- to include the notions of "public figure" and "journalistic investigation" into the Mass Media Law;

- to eliminate the possibility of publishing private images and information by using the  images and information previously posted as publicly available without the consent of the depicted or described person;

- to include a short-term and insignificant volume of publication of images in total volume of media products as a basis for publishing images without consent;

- to eliminate the possibility of publishing personal or private data of non-public figures;

- to propose to secure the right of persons to apply to media and legal bodies for  preventive injunction of dissemination of information related to them.

7. In the field of personal data protection:

- to propose to secure the right of persons to be forgotten and to demand its observance  from media and owners of Internet resources with the possibility go through the courts  

Tamara Kaleyeva, the president of Adil Soz foundation, believes that all recommendations (except for two) are aimed to fulfill the officials' desires contrary to Mr.Erdzhanov’s belief that the recommendations are to protect private life of regular persons: «To separate regular persons from not ordinry ones, the researhes, whose work is funded by state order of the ministry, recommend introducing the concept of "public figure". Such figures can be criticized, their incomes and activities can be reported, as for the others – no private information can be reported without their documented permission. What are the parameters to define a public figure? It is clear that a minister is public figure, it is understandable that akim (mayor) is considered to be a public fugure, but what about the chairman of housing and communal services or an assistant of a deputy head of a department of something, whom media had never written a word before and suddenly began to criticize? Again, everyone knows that our corrupt officials convey “hard-earned” assets to their relatives. It turns out to be that a mother-in-law of some minister that suddenly became a rich woman is an ordinary person and journalists cannot explore the sources of her wealth without being ounished for that».


- The administrative court of Aktau fined French director and journalist Vincent Prado for violating the accreditation rules: he indicated "Kazakhstan, including Almaty and Astana" as shooting locationsin in his application to the Kazakh Foreign Ministry, but went to film  in Mangistau as well. Later, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan stated that temporary accreditation issued to the French journalist and director V. Prado to make film shooting is Kazakhstan-wide.

On September 27 the specialized administrative court of Aktau issued a ruling against the French journalist Vincent Prado.

Prado and his translator Danara were detained by migration police officers when they were recording an interview with a participant of Zhanaozen events.

The director was accused of violating the rules of accreditation. Danara explained by telephone that before his trip to our country Prado submitted an application to the Kazakh Foreign Ministry where he indicated "Kazakhstan, including Almaty and Astana" as shooting locations. He was accused of shooting in Mangistau though having permision to shoot in  Almaty and Astana only.

The French journalist pleaded not guilty: “I do not plead guilty. I am accredited and I did not violate the law. But I will abide with the court decision».

Judge Gulmira Suieuova found Vincent Prado guilty in violation of part 5 of article 517 of the Code of Administrative Infractions of the Republic of Kazakhstan («The violation by the foreigner or person without citizenship of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of population shift which was expressed in evasion from departure during the period exceeding three days after the expiration specified in the visa or at registration in a migration card»…). The journalist was fined for 25 Monthly Calculation Index (60125 tenge).

Meanwhile,  the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the written information request from Radio Azattyk that temporary accreditation issued to the French journalist and director V. Prado to make film shooting is Kazakhstan-wide. Also, the ministry’s press secretary, Aibek Smadiyarov stated that Prado’s accreditation ended on September 27, but it was extended til October 10 after the appeal of Vincent Prado to the Foreign Ministry.


- In Astana police detained a journalist of Radio Azattyk “by mistake”.

As Radio Azattyk  reported, on September 17 in Astana policemen detained journalist Svetlana Glushkova at the site where "action in support of political prisoners" was supposed to be conducted when she arrived to cover the event. She was taken by police car to the building of Esil district police department, where the first deputy head of the Internal Affairs Directorate apologized to her and said that the journalist was detained "by mistake".

Police car took Glushkova back to the place of detention - to the building on Kosmonavtov Street, where diplomatic missions of Western countries are situated and where the event was supposed to take place.

Together with the journalist police officers took a girl in a white T-shirt and a black jacket to the police car. They took her out of the car at the building of the Internal Affairs Directorate and what happened to her afterwards is unknown.  On September 17, tens of policemen were seen on Kosmonavtov street. According to eyewitnesses, police stopped people dressed in white at the place of the supposed protest action .

According to Radio Azattyk, those actions were caused by former banker and critic of Astana Mukhtar Ablyazov. Living abroad he on September 13,  invited his social networks readers to publish their photos in white clothes in support of the persecuted civil activists whom Kazakhstan human rights activists  included in the  " list of political prisoners ".


2  judicial acts were issued against media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression , the receipt and dissemination of information on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation (including 1 in appeal) in September. One of them was in favor of the media, journalists and citizens.

The following actions chrges were filed since the beginning of the year in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression:

- 35 criminal charges, including 17 in court.

- 57 claims and suits in civil procedure. Among them, 40 claims and lawsuits for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

- Claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage amounted to 229 million 300 thousand 1 tenge in January-August. The courts collected 190 thousand tenge.

The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.

Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi
e-mail: lena@adilsoz.kz

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Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. September, 2018
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