Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. August, 2018

1 august 2018

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" conducted a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in August 2018.

It reports:

- Attorney Bauyrzhan Azanov was involved in the case of dissemination of knowingly false informationas a witness with the right to defense . The reason was his posts in social network and the interview he gave to the newspaper "Karavan" where he expressed his fears that the investigation of sexual abuse of a young child would be probably covered up.

The order  on the adoption of the case  signed by N. Sabitov, senior assistant to the Prosecutor General, says:

"19-21.05.2018. attorney B.Azanov  published information posts on his personal page on the Facebook social network and gave an interview to the correspondent of the media portal Caravan.kz regarding the pre-trial investigation of sexual violence against a minor that took place in the village of Abay in the South Kazakhstan region.

The information disseminated by  B.Azanov  was deliberately false and untrue, and created a false public assumption the justice is corrupted alleged corruption of justice, the state body leading the criminal process, the mother of the injured child and others, caused  psychoemotional and social tension and social tension to the  public and the threat of destabilization of the domestic political situation (the tranquility and stability of society), thereby creating a threat of violating the public order, causing substantial damage to the rights and legitimate interests of society and the state. "

On August 2, a press conference took place at the office of the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights, where supporters of Bauyrzhan Azanov voiced their approval.

Azanov's colleagues and human rights activists consider the case initiated by the prosecutor's office to be a precedent and an open caution to lawyers on publicly expressing their opinion on the cases that they conduct.

- Hearings started on the appeal of internet portal Ratel.kz editor-in-chief against court ruling to ban  the portal.

On August 13, Appeals Board of the Almaty City Court conducted the first hearing of the complaint of Marat Asipov, the editor-in-chief of internet portal of Ratel.kz.

The defendant's counsel, Larisa Dostavalova, provided the appellate board with a detailed refutation of the plaintiff's evidence, namely:

1) printout of the speech of the representative of the Ministry of Information and Communications in the court of first instance, where he confirmed that there was no analysis and monitoring;

2) the experts that were summoned to the court of first instance, questioned the statement that the hardware and software complex where the Internet resource Ratel.kz is located is outside of Kazakhstan in  violation of Kazakhstan's legislation. The fact that the resource was successfully blocked, proves that the complex is located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Other reasons for the prosecutor's office were also contested.

The board took a time-out until September 10  to examine the documents presented in the appeal and the arguments of the defendants voiced in court.


- The Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan shut down relaying of 88 foreign television channels on the territory of Kazakhstan.

On August 8, the Ministry of Information and Communications reported that certificates of registration were withdrawn from 88 foreign television channels and relaying of those channels on territory of Kazakhstan is shut down.

As the Ministry explained taht taking such a measure was caused by amendments to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Broadcasting" adopted in 2017 and entered into force on January 9, 2018. According to article 42 of the law, all foreign television and radio channels relayed on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan are obliged to register as a legal entity in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan or to register their branch (representative office) within six months from the date of enactment of this law .

Only 219 out of the 307 foreign channels managed to complete the registration procedure.

The Ministry has published  a full list of foreign TV channels that have not opened offices in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan on its website.

- Journalists appealed to the akim (mayor) of Almaty regarding unequal access to information. "Adil Soz" considers such behavior of akim's press service to be a direct discrimination in the field of freedom of information.

The "Adil Soz" Foundation supports this appeal and states that unfortunately it is a common situation. Such behavior of the press services is hardly be called otherwise then direct discrimination in freedom of receiving information. Officials violate the principle of equal access to information stipulated by paragraph 5 of Art. 4 of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Access to Information".

We can often find  advice on the Internet that journalists should apply to law enforcement agencies with a demand to bring guilty officials to criminal liability under art. 158 of the Penal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan  "Interfering with legal professional activity of journalist". Yes, such a norm exists, but it is not easy to get a criminal case initiated. It is more effective to file a complaint about the illegal actions of an official to a higher authority and to the Agency of the Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

When a journalist whose rights have been violated, decides to challenge illegal actions of an official, he/she must have clear understanding of his/her aims: to start a row, to get a news hook for covering it in social networks or  to change the situation and to make the official stop determining at his/her own pleasure what media and journalists to admit to the event. If the journalist intends to change the situation, it is more effective to appeal against illegal actions of an official to higher authorities, including  the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

- Akim (governor) of the North-Kazakhstan region forbade compulsory subscription to printed press.

Akim of the North-Kazakhstan region Kumar Aksakalov forbade compulsory subscription to printed press. He made that statement  at the August meeting of teacherson August 22. Teachers greeted the akim's words about the incorrectness of compulsory subscription to printed press  with a standing applause.

 "I often receive messages from teachers complaining on compulsory subscription to newspapers. I think it is totally unacceptale. I forbid this practice. Teachers should not be involved in various irrelevant activities. If any attempts are made,  I ask you to send appeals to me immediately , " Kumar Aksakalov said in his speech to the teachers.


4  judicial acts were issued against media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression , the receipt and dissemination of information on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation (including 1 in cassation) in August. Three of them were in favor of the media, journalists and citizens. 


The following actions chrges were filed since the beginning of the year in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression:

- 28 criminal charges, including 11 in court.

- 46 claims and suits in civil procedure. Among them, 37 claims and lawsuits for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. Claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage amounted to 229 million 300 thousand 1 tenge in January-August. The courts collected 190 thousand tenge.

The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.

Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi
e-mail: lena@adilsoz.kz

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Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. August, 2018
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