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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. July, 2018

1 july 2018

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" conducted a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in July 2018.


It reports:

- The court dismissed the claim of journalist Gennady Benditsky's heirs, that stood for their right to inherit the domain name Ratel.kz.

Oleg and Ekaterina Benditskiy stuck up to their right to inherit the domain name Ratel.kz. They filed a lawsuit against the decisions and actions of Information Committee of the Mininstry of information and communications.

 The Benditskys demanded:

- to declare illegal the defendant’s actions on issuing the order No. 2 of April 18, 2018 "On invalidating the certificate on registration of the online edition of the Analytical Internet Portal" Ratel.kz "No. 16361-SI”

- to declare defendant’s Order No. 2  illegal and to cancel it;

- to oblige the Committee of Information to eliminate the violation of the rights and legitimate interests of the heirs of Gennady Benditsky.

At the hearings that took place on July 2, the representatives of the ministry  could not answer the questions of  the plaintiffs's lawyer Larisa Dostovalova about the meaning of the concepts that were used to ban  Ratel.kz.

Lawyers of Oleg and Catherine Benditsky insisted that the allegations that the hardware-software complex of Ratel is located abroad wewe proofless.

At the court session on July 10, Gleb Garipov, independent technical expert invited by plaintiffs  explained that the statement that the "hardware-software complex" (APK) and "information and communication infrastructure" (IKI) belongs to Ratel.kz and its owners  was incorrect. The owners of APK and IKI are other companies, including foreign ones, that provide Internet services to websites. According to G. Garipov, such services are used by  websites of statebodies as well, including the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General's Office and the government.

The technical specialist from the National Security Committee, summoned by the court, did not appear at the hearing again.

During the discussions it was found out that initially the Prosecutor General's Office send a letter to the Ministry of information and communications asking to check if there were any violations  committed by the site Ratel.kz. The Committee of Information declared that it hadperformed the check, found faults and issued the said order. Based on this document, the city prosecutor's office filed a lawsuit to ban the site Ratel.kz, that was satisfied.

On July 13, the judge of the Auezov district court of Almaty, Gulzhan Imanserikova, refused to satisfy the claims of Gennady Benditsky’s children.



- Saniya Toiken, journalist of Radio Azattyk,  suspects a possible provocation against her: someone created a fake account using her name and  posted a provocative post in the  - at a Telegram messenger chat of DVK (Democratic choice of Kazakhstan).

Someone created a fake account using her name and  posted a provocative post in the  - at a Telegram messenger chat of DVK (Democratic choice of Kazakhstan) (On March 13 court declared the DVK and its acitivities to be extremist and banned it throughout the territory of Kazakhstan).

Saniya Toiken suspects provocation: a fake post could be the reason for the prosecution, since membership in a banned organization  may incriminated for it and it can lead to imprisonment.

On July 11, the Azattyk radio journalist reported the incident  to the prosecutor's office and the Department of Internal Affairs.


- The head of the Department of Penitentiary System for Karaganda region demands to arraign the human rights defender Elena Semenova from Pavlodar on a criminal charge. The information about the mass maiming in one of the prisons of the Karaganda region, voiced by Semenova before the deputies of the European Parliament he considered to be slander.

A human rights defender from Pavlodar, Elena Semyonova, known for protecting the rights of prisoners, told Radio Azattyk reporter that in the evening of July 20 her house was searched. According to her, documents were seized, including prisoners' claims on torture, beatings and other humiliations. her all-in-one PC and her schoolgirl daughter's tablet were seized.

According to the human rights activist, the search was sanctioned by the court of the city of Karaganda, a criminal case against her was brought by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Karaganda region under point 3 of part 2 of Article 274 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Distribution of knowingly false information).

When asked by Radio Azattyk reporter why a criminal case was brought in Karaganda against a resident of Pavlodar, Semyonova said that the head of the penal-enforcement system of the Karaganda region considered her report to the European Parliament deputies about the mass maiming in one of prisons of the Karaganda region to be slander and reported her to police.

On July 21, the International NGO Front Line Defenders expressed its concern over the arrest and charges against Elena Semenova.

- The home of Yuri Dorokhov, the head of the PR-agency Insight Media, was searched  within the framework of investigative measures taken on the claim of ex-minister of state incomes Z. Kakimzhanov about the dissemination of knowingly false information. Z. Kakimzhanov demanded to arraing to a criminal charge the journalists of online edition Ratel.kz Marat Asipov, Sapa Mekebayev, Anna Kalashnikov and a journalist of Forbes Kazakhstan magazine Alexander Vorotilov.

The editor-in-chief of the analytical internet portal Ratel.kz Marat Asipov is in the status of a suspect. Sapa Mekebayev, Anna Kalashnikova and Alexander Vorotilov are targeted in the investigation as  witnesses with the right to defense.

"I am also a witness with the right to defense - that is a step away from being a suspect. They constantlycall me in for  interrogations, seize  documents, "-  the head of PR-agency Yuri Dorokhov wrote on his Faсebook page.

On July 12 in his home was searched, his laptop and  his children's gadgets were seized .

Dorokhov be mystified at why it all happening since he has nothing to do with Ratel.kz and Forbes Kazakhstan: "Former partner of Mr. Kakimzhanov, Vitaly Protsentov asked meto help him as a communications specialist. I helped him to organize press conferences and to set communication with the media. I am convinced that everyone has the right for protection. Publicity is a form of protection, sometimes it is the last hope. I was sure (and  I'm still sure) that I was  telling the truth. Medeu distirct court of Almaty decided that I was not and enforced about 50 million tenge from editorial offices, journalists and Protsentov. Now we are talking about criminal charges for the same actions for which the above people were fined by court."


- The editor-in-chief of the banned inretnet portal  Ratel.kz Marat Asipov was interrogated as a witness with the right to defense in connection with Z. Kakimzhanov's claim on non-enforcement of the court ruling on his civil suit.


On July 19, the editor-in-chief of the analytical portal Ratel.kz banned by court, Marat Asipov, was summoned for questioning to the Almaty Department of Internal Affairs on a new criminal case.

Pre-trial investigation was brought under art. 430 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Non-execution of a court verdict, court decision or other judicial act or document) on the claim of businessman Zeynulla Kakimzhanov. He accuses M. Asipov and V. Protsentov that they did not publish a refutation and did not remove the contentious articles of Gennady Benditsky from the site of Ratel.kz (Benditsky  died on December 3, 2017).

Meanwhile,  the editorial staff of Ratel asked Judge Jumumuratov to explain the way the articles had to be refuted,

Judge T. Jumumuratov did not give an explanation.

Then the editorial board published an open letter to the then chairman of the Supreme Court, Kairat Mami.

The letter contained variants of a refutation for each article and a request for clarification: what exactly the editorial board should refute.

There was no answer.

"Legal executives never came to the editorial office with an executive sheet in which there would be an order to comply with the court's decision - publish a refutation and remove the materials of G. Benditsky, " - journalist V. Boreyko wrote.

On March 30, 2018, Ratel.kz was blocked by the ruling of the Medeu Distrit Court of Almaty. On April 4, all other domains used by the internet-portal were blocked.

Nevertheless, on May 28 Z. Kakimzhanov filed a cliam to police. A month later police  began a pre-trial investigation.

Marat Asipov was interrogated as a witness with the right to defense in connection  with the pre-trial investigation on the the claim of Z. Kakimzhanov. Asipov's lawyer Igor Dostovalov was present at the interrogation.

The former editor of Ratel.kz did not tell about the details of the interrogation. He also said that his lawyer would not comment. Marat Asipov noted that the measure of restiction was not selected for him. 


4  judicial acts were issued against media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression , the receipt and dissemination of information on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation (including 2 in appeal) in July. Two of them were in favor of the media, journalists and citizens. 


The following actions were taken since the beginning of the year in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression:

- 25 criminal charges. Including in court - 10

- 42 claims and suits in civil procedure. Among them, 33 claims and lawsuits for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. Claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage amounted to 229 million 300 thousand 1 tenge in January-July. The courts collected 190 thousand tenge.



Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. July, 2018
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