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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. June, 2018

1 june 2018

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" conducted a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in Junenh 2018.

It reports:

- "The Uralsk Week" journalists are checked for involvement in the organization of illegal rallies because of the comment posted on YouTube

Tamara Yeslyamova is back to the editorial office after interrogation at the Western Kazkahtsan regional Department of Internal affairs. The police told her that the pre-trial investigation was initiated after an unidentified individual commented on YouTube video where he/she called to go to the rally. Since the YouTube video was a repost of video from the "Uralsk Week" website, the publisher of the newspaper Tamara Yeslyamova and the administrator of the newspaper website and its pages in social networks Raul Uporov were summoned for interrogation as witnesses.

According to the journalists, if it were not for the police and the unknown commenter, they would not even know that someone in Kazakhstan was planning to rally.

After being interrogated by an investigator T. Yeslyamova was invited to another room for a talk with a member of the prosecutor's office. He tried to give her a warning about the inadmissibility of violating the law "On the Order of Organization and Conducting Peace Meetings, Rallies, Processions, Pickets and Demonstrations in the Republic of Kazakhstan." Tamara Yeslyamova refused to sign anything.

Sanat Urnaliev, who was waiting near the Dapartment of Internal Affairs for Yeslyamova to come back from the interrogation, was also summoned for interrogation. A police officer served summons to him after the journalist recorded an interview with the publisher of the newspaper.

According to the Facebook post by the editor of the Uralsk Week Lukpan Akhmedyarov, he and correspondent Maria Melnikova has just been served summons fro interrogation. Summons has been served at the editorial office.

On June 18, the publisher of the newspaper "Uralskaya Nedelya" Tamara Yeslyamova received a summons to the Department of Internal Affairs of the Western Kazakhstan region for interrogation as a witness in the framework of a criminal case.The summons were served was by two police officers, who refused to tell what criminal case was the reason for interrogation.Raul Uporov, administrator of uralskweek.kz was summoned fro interrogation as a witness as well . He also failed to find out the reason for the summons.

Tamara Yeslyamova is back to the editorial office after interrogation at the Western Kazkahtsan regional Department of Internal affairs. The police told her that the pre-trial investigation was initiated after an unidentified individual commented on YouTube video where he/she called to go to the rally. Since the YouTube video was a repost of video from the "Uralsk Week" website, the publisher of the newspaper Tamara Yeslyamova and the administrator of the newspaper website and its pages in social networks Raul Uporov were summoned for interrogation as witnesses.

According to the journalists, if it were not for the police and the unknown commenter, they would not even know that someone in Kazakhstan was planning to rally.

After being interrogated by an investigator T. Yeslyamova was invited to another room for a talk with a member of the prosecutor's office. He tried to give her a warning about the inadmissibility of violating the law "On the Order of Organization and Conducting Peace Meetings, Rallies, Processions, Pickets and Demonstrations in the Republic of Kazakhstan." Tamara Yeslyamova refused to sign anything.

On June 19 Sanat Urnaliev, correspondent of Radio Azattyk, who was waiting near the Dapartment of Internal Affairs for Yeslyamova to come back from the interrogation, was also summoned for interrogation.

Azattyk reports that police asked Sanat Urnaliev if he had any relation to the "Urals Week", whose journalists were summoned to the Department of Internal Affairs. The police was investigating the case in connection with the commentary posted on the newspaper YouTube channel , which allegedly called for a rally organized by the movement of the Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan, banned in the country. Police tried to hand in warning about the "inadmissibility" of participation in the activities of the organization, which the court recognized as extremist to Azattyk reporter. Urnaliev refused to accept the warning, arguing that he had nothing to do with extremist organizations.

The editor of the "Uralsk Week" Lukpan Akhmedyarov and the correspondent of the newspaper Maria Melnikova were also summoned to the city's department of internal affairs.

On June 19, the editor of the newspaper "Uralsk Week" ("Uralskaya Nedelya") Lukpan Akhmedyarov told in Facebook about interrogation in the Department of Internal Affairs of Uralsk. The only thing the investigator wanted to know - how to  find the author of the commentary. L. Akhmedyarov advised the investigator to apply to YouTube administration.

When the interrogation was over, a man in plainclothes entered the room and asked  Akhmedyarov to go to another office to talk with the "bastyk" (big boss) - Muslim Zhardemov. The journalist refused to go since M. Zhardemov’ name was not in the summons. The journalist said that he would not go to talk to him until he is summoned. When Lukpan returned to the editorial office, it turned out that policemen had visited his office and home trying to serve summons, but neither his wife nor colleagues agreed to accept it.

The policeman came to the editorial office again at 7.45 PM and handed over  summons, saying that the investigator Uralsk Police Directorate, captain Baurzhan Doskaliyev, summoned Akhmedyarov for interrogation as an… INVESTIGATOR. Investigator Doskaliyev said to Lukpan that he summoned him in relation to the criminal case brought against the Uralsk pensioner Bakisa Khalelova, who participated in a rally in Uralsk on May 10. Lukpan confirmed that he was aquainted with that woman, but ponited out that since the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan prohibits to perform investigative actiona after 8 PM, interrogation must be stopped.

However, he could not leave the building of the Internal Affairs Directorate. Baurzhan Doskaliyev ordered to lock the doors of the building and not let Akhmedyarov out. A few minutes later, Daniyar Rakishev, the chief of the Local police service of the Internal Affairs directorate of Uralsk, criminalist with a video camera, prosecutor and head of the internal policy of the city akimat (local governing body) Erbol Kushekov arrived to the place. The prosecutor read out a clarification of the law on the inadmissibility of participation in the DVK (Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan) party and its support, since this organization was recognized as extremist by the decision of the Esil court. Akhmedyarov was asked whether he intended to go to the rally, if it would take place. Lukpan responded that as a journalist he would definitely go to cover this event and added that the Criminal Code contains an article "Obstruction of the professional activities of a journalist", and it would be a crime to detain him there on June 23  while performing his journalistic activities.

When Lukpan was about to go home, it turned out that his car had been blocked by a police car. Akhmedyarov called the traffic police. After that the owners of the police “Niva” (a type of jeep produced in Russia) came to their car quickly  and drove off hastily. Later, the journalist received a phone call from the traffic police and was told that a protocol had been drawn up against the offender, and the owner of the “Niva” was fined.

Tamara Yeslyamova, publisher of the Uralsk Week, journalists Raul Uporov and correspondent of Radio Azattyk Sanat Urnaliev were also interrogated in the Department of Internal Affairs. Maria Melnikova was also served summons for interrogation.

On June 20, the Department of Internal Affairs of the West Kazakhstan region, through one of the Uralsk editions, reported: "On June 16 this year a video named "Residents of Sulukol of Zelenovsky district of West Kazakhstan Region suffer from the smell of hydrogen sulfide" was posted on the video channel of the newspaper" Uralskaya Nedelya . A user under nickname Zhan Baizhanov commented the video calling the residents of the district to go to the rally. This fact was registered in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations on 16.06.2018.

According to the Department of Internal Affairs, police conducts a set of operational and investigative actions to indentify the user with the nickname "Jean Baizhanov" in order to monitor the socio-political situation.

In this connection, the owner and editor of the newspaper "Uralskaya Nedelya" T. Yeslyamova and photo correspondent R. Uporov were interrogated in the DVD of the West Kazakhstan Region as witnesses.

According to the head of the human rights organization Freedom House-Kazakhstan Victoria Tyuleneva, the police tried to interpret its actions as corresponding to the regulatory decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On some issues of application of the norms of the Special Part of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses" dated 6/10/2017. The court explains: "16. (...) Prior to receiving permission to hold a mass event, its organizer, as well as other persons, shall not have the right to announce in the mass media, Internet or other information networks about the date, place and time of such event, to produce and distribute leaflets, posters and other similar materials about it. Violation of this requirement creates the responsibility of the organizer under part three of Article 488 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for violating the procedure for organizing a public event. "

- Oleg and Ekaterina Benditskiy seek legal redress to inherit the domain name Ratel.kz. Court hearings began on the lawsuit of journalist Gennady Benditsky's heirs to the Information Committee of the Mininstry of information and communications .

On May 28, Judge of Medeu District Court of Almaty Gulmira Beysenova banned the online edition of Ratel.kz, canceled registration and banned the use of the domain name Ratel.kz and duplicating names in the space of the Kazakhstan Internet media segment for one year.

In addition, the editor-in-chief of the analytical Internet portal Marat Asipov was prohibited from disseminating information materials under the name Ratel.kz in the media, Internet resources and on the domain names Ratel.kz, Balborsyk.kz, Wildratel.com, Itau.kz and on other domain names.

The trial was initiated by the prosecutor of Medeu district of Almaty A. Aitzhanov. The reasons behind the prosecutor's demand to ban the media and to prohibit Marat Asipov to disseminate information materials under the name of the Internet portal" Ratel.kz "and" Balborsyk.kz " were the following:

- publication of information using the domain Ratel.kz after the death of its owner, Gennady Benditsky (the domain name Ratel.kz was registered with Gennady Benditsky, who died after a serious illness on December 3, 2017);

- Usurpation of the rights of Ratel.kz owner by Balborsyk.kz;

- the hardware and software complex of Ratel.kz is located outside the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- publication of articles in Kazakh and English, although only Russian is indicated.in the certificate of registration of Ratel.kz

According to the prosecutor all the above violates the norms of the "Rules for Registration, Use and Distribution of Domain Names in the Space of the Kazakhstan Internet Segment" (paragraphs 17-23) and the Law on the Mass Media (Clauses 5, 6, art. 10, items 3, 4 of article 13).

Oleg and Ekaterina Benditskiy stuck up to their right to inherit the domain name Ratel.kz and took legal actions against the decisions and actions of Information Committee of the Mininstry of information and communications at the Auezov District Court of Almaty.

 The Benditskys demanded:

- to declare illegal the defendant’s actions on issuing the order No. 2 of April 18, 2018 "On invalidating the certificate on registration of the online edition of the Analytical Internet Portal" Ratel.kz "No. 16361-SI”

- to declare defendant’s Order No. 2  illegal and to cancel it;

- to oblige the Committee of Information to eliminate the violation of the rights and legitimate interests of the heirs of Gennady Benditsky.

On June 5 judge G.Imanserikova initiated civil case on that lawsuit.

- Seytkazy Mataev re-elected chairman of the board of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan

Portback election conference of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan was held on June 14.

Journalists from all regions of Kazakhstan took part in the conference via video link. The Board's report was discussed and adopted, plans and tasks for the forthcoming period were determined. It was stated that many young journalists with active civic stance have joined the Union recently, substantive work has been done on holding creative competitions, seminars, roundtables and other events and international contacts of Kazakhstani journalists with colleagues from China and Ukraine have been enhanced. The need for active participation in lawmaking, protection of journalists' rights and freedoms, sensitivity to veterans, and the use of their experience for the training of young cadres was brought into focus. The participants of the conference approved the plan of preparation for the 60th anniversary of the Union that will be celebrated next year.

The members of the governing bodies of the Union were elected. Seytkazy Mataev was elected the chairman of the board of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan.

The Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan is the largest creative organization of the country, with branches in Astana and Almaty and all regions of Kazkahstan. It unites about 5 thousand journalists of newspapers, television, radio and online editions.

4  judicial acts were issued against media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression , the receipt and dissemination of information on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation (including 2 in appeal and 1 in cassation) in June. Two of them were in favor of the media, journalists and citizens. 

28  letters before action and claims were filed in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression since the beginning of the year. 22 of them were letters before action and claims on protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. Claims for compensation for moral damage in January-May amounted to 228 million 200 thousand and 1 tenge. The courts collected 90 thousand tenge. 

The following actions were taken since the beginning of the year in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression:

- 21 criminal charges. Including in court - 10

- 34 claims and suits in civil procedure. Among them, 25 claims and lawsuits for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. Claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage amounted to 228 million 300 thousand 1 tenge in January-June. The courts collected 90 thousand tenge.

On May 28, Judge of Medeu District Court of Almaty Gulmira Beysenova banned the online edition of Ratel.kz, canceled registration and banned the use of the domain name Ratel.kz and duplicating names in the space of the Kazakhstan Internet media segment for one year.

In addition, the editor-in-chief of the analytical Internet portal Marat Asipov was prohibited from disseminating information materials under the name Ratel.kz in the media, Internet resources and on the domain names Ratel.kz, Balborsyk.kz, Wildratel.com, Itau.kz and on other domain names.

The trial was initiated by the prosecutor of Medeu district of Almaty A. Aitzhanov. The reasons behind the prosecutor's demand to ban the media and to prohibit Marat Asipov to disseminate information materials under the name of the Internet portal" Ratel.kz "and" Balborsyk.kz " were the following:

- publication of information using the domain Ratel.kz after the death of its owner, Gennady Benditsky (the domain name Ratel.kz was registered with Gennady Benditsky, who died after a serious illness on December 3, 2017);

- Usurpation of the rights of Ratel.kz owner by Balborsyk.kz;

- the hardware and software complex of Ratel.kz is located outside the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- publication of articles in Kazakh and English, although only Russian is indicated.in the certificate of registration of Ratel.kz

According to the prosecutor all the above violates the norms of the "Rules for Registration, Use and Distribution of Domain Names in the Space of the Kazakhstan Internet Segment" (paragraphs 17-23) and the Law on the Mass Media (Clauses 5, 6, art. 10, items 3, 4 of article 13).

Court hearings has continued since March 30. The children of the journalist Gennady Benditsky, Oleg Benditsky and the minor Katya (in the person of Gennady's wife Anna Ustinova) took part in the process as third parties who claimed independent claims on the subject of the dispute.

At a meeting on April 19 it became known that on April 18, the Committee of Information of the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued Order No. 2 "On invalidating the certificate of registration of the online publication of the "Analytical Internet Portal Ratel.kz ". The reason for issuing an order was the instruction of the Prosecutor General's Office.

The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.

Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi
e-mail: lena@adilsoz.kz

For all questions regarding the  monitoring, you may also contact


Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. June, 2018
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