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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. April 2018

1 april 2018

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech Adil Soz made a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in April 2018.

It reports:

- The Almaty police initiated a pre-trial investigation on the claim of ex-minister of state incomes Z. Kakimzhanov, that accused journalists of Ratel.kz and Forbes in deliberately spreading false information. The editorial offices were searched. The civil process on banning Ratel.kz continues. The judge made an additional ban – she banned the page "Analytical portal ratel.kz" in Facebook.

- Akmaral Tobylova, a resident of Almaty, was released from house arrest on bail of 2 million tenge. She continues to be under investigation on suspicion of "financial support" of the unregistered movement "Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan" (DVK), that court declared to be an extremist organization. Akmaral Tobylova said that she did not understand the reasons of the suspicions, since her only fault was visiting the pages of DVK. Human rights activists believe: A. Tobylova was detained for the peaceful exercise of her right for freedom of expression.

On March 15  Almaly District Court of Almaty varied Akmaral Tobylova's preventive measure to house arrest. According to Radio Azattyk,  Akmaral Tobylova's relatives  constantly complained that she cou.d not receive necessary gynecological consultations related to her  pregnancy because she could not leave home due to house arrest.

On April 12, the district court ruled to release Akmaral Tobylova on bail in the amount of 2 million 405 thousand tenge. On April 13,  A. Tobolova's brother Nurtai paid the necessary amount, and the woman was released from house arrest.

On April 18, the international organization Amnesty International called on the Kazakh authorities to stop the criminal prosecution against Akmaral Tobylova. Human rights activists noted in their statement that Akmaral Tobylova was charged only for having "looked through" pages of the "Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan" (DVK) on the Web.


- The court extended the term of compulsory treatment in a mental hospital for activist Ardak Ashim for another month.  The blogger is suspected of inciting social discord by critiсizing of the authorities in her Facebook posts.   Ardak'sdaughter Ainur and human rights activist E. Zhovtis stated a lot of violations in this case committed by the employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the South Kazakhstan Region.

  On April 16, Ardak Ashim’s daughter Ainur and human rights activist Yevgeny Zhovtis conducted a press conference at the International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law. They declared a number of violations in this case committed by the employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the South Kazakhstan region.

Ardak Ashim’s daughter Ainur said that her mother is mentally healthy. According to her, the abstract from Ardak Ashim’s medical record is fake, since it contains a lot of inconsistencies to her mother's personal data. Ardak Ashim had never been registered with mental illnesses and her medical records don not contain any information of mental deseases.

According to Ardak Ashim's daughter, no one had ever offered her or other relatives to take care of Ardak. The investigator Bakhytzhan Syzdykov called the blogger to come on March 31, 2018. But when Ardak came she was taken to a mental health institution by an ambulance and under the guard of special police force unit soldier. Ardak Ashim is detained at the medial institution and neither her daughter, nor her husband, father or other relatives were allowed to see her for three days.

Ainur fears that medications that are given to her mother at the hospital may do seriuos harm to her health. Yevgeny Zhovtis considers  this situation to be “punitive psychiatry”, which was used in the Soviet era against dissenters. He believes that, taking into condideration the political, legal and medical aspects of the case, it is necessary to invite an independent psychiatrist from abroad and to demand the release of Ardak Ashim before the trial.

On April 27, the Abay district court of Shymkent extended the term of Ardak’s compulsory treatment in a mental hospital for another month.

Kazakhstani human rights activists included Ardak Ashim’s name to the "list of political prisoners".

The international human rights organization Amnesty International (AI) recognized Ardak Ashim, activist and blogger from Shymkent "a prisoner of conscience".


- The term of imprisonment in a general regime colony for the civil activist Talgat Ayan, convicted of inciting social discord, was changed to  restriction of freedom. Another civil activist Max Bokaev continues to serve his sentence in the colony.

On April 13, the Aktyubinsk regional court replaced the  unserved prison sentence in a general regime colony for Atyrau civil activist Talgat Ayan to restriction of freedom. On April 28, a civil activist was released from the colony.

As it was reported, on November 28, 2016, Atyrau court No. 2  found civil activists Max Bokaev and Talgat Ayan guilty of disseminating deliberately false information during public events "(Article 274, part 4, paragraph 2 of the criminal code of the Republic of Kazakhstan), inciting social, national, clan, racial, class or religious discord "(Article 174, part 2) and violation of the procedure for organizing and holding meetings, rallies, pickets, street processions and demonstrations" (Article 400).

The court sentenced them to five years of imprisonment with serving their sentence in a general regime colony and banned their public activity for three years.

On January 20, 2017, the Appeal Board of the Atyrau Regional Court upheld the verdict of the court.

The reason for the criminal prosecution were posts on the  Max Bokaev and Talgat Ayan's perosnal Facebook pages. The activists in their post told that they applied for permission to hold a rally on the "land issue" on May 21, 2016, and discussed the rules of behaviour at the rally that would prevent any breach of the country's laws. The posts were published till it became known that Atyrau Akimat (city administration) refused to premit the rally.

Max Bokaev continues serving his term in the colony EU-164/3 in Petropavlovsk.


- Director General of "KazTAG" news agency Aset Matayev was transferred from the general penal colony  to the colony-settlement.

On October 3, 2016, Akbulat Kurmantayev, a judge of court No. 2 in the Yesil district of Astana, sentenced Aset Matayev, general director of the news agency KazTAG, to 5 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property and deprivation of the right to hold managerial posts related to organizational and financially accountable functions in state and commercial organizations for 10 years, with the serving the sentence in general penal colony. Aset Matayev was found guilty of committing a criminal offense under Article 190 part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

His father, chairman of the board of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan Seytkazy Matayev, was found guilty of committing criminal offenses under Article 245 part 3; Art. 190 part. 4 item 2 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was sentenced to six years of imprisonment with confiscation of property and deprivation of the right to hold managerial posts related to organizational and financial and material accountable functions in state and commercial organizations for ten years, with serving a sentence in a general penal colony.

Aset and Seytzazy Matayevs pleaded not guilty.

On November 16, 2017, the Kapshagai City Court of Almaty oblast granted the request for parole of the chairman of the board of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan Seytkazy Matayev.

On December 4, Seitkazy Matayev  was released from the colony in the village Zarechny.

On March 16, the Kapshagay court refused to grant Aset Matayev a mitigation of the punishment - transfer from a general penal colony to a colony-settlement.

On April 24, the Almaty Regional Court reverse the decision of a lower court and decided to transfer the Director General of "KazTAG" news agency to a colony-settlement at the place of residence.

The court took into account that Aset Matayev had no penalties, but was granted a "second positive degree of behavior" and had a number of incentives and gratitudes.


In April  2018 two charges of criminal offenses and crimes were brought against  media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression , the receipt and dissemination of information. 6  judicial acts were issued on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation (including 3 in appeal). Four  of them were in favor of the media, journalists and citizens.

24  letters before action and claims were filed in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression since the beginning of the year, icluding 19 claims for of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. Claims for compensation for moral damage in January-April amounted to 22 million 200 thousand and one tenge. Thecourtscollected  90 thousandtenge. 


The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.

Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi
e-mail: lena@adilsoz.kz


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Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. April 2018
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