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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. May, 2018

1 may 2018

- Court banned online mass medium Ratel.kz.

On May 28 judge of Medeu district court of Almaty Gulmira Beysenova proclaimed the decision on the lawsuit of Prosecutor of Medeu district of Almaty filed against online media outlet RATEL kz. The decision said "to ban the analytical Internet portal Ratel.kz and to prohibit the use of the domain name Ratel.kz in Kazakhstan’s segment of the Internet media for one year". Besides, according to the decision, it is prohibited for the editor-in-chief Marat Asipov and other employees of the media outlet to publish the news items of their internet portal in other media, including social networks, using the name of RATEL kz.

Marat Asipov intends to challenge the decision under file .

- Apartment of deputy editor of Forbes Kazakhstan Alexander Vorotilov was searched again. The journalist is a witness in a case on criminal dissimination of false information.

- Most mass media ignored unauthorised protest actions that took place in many large cities of Kazakhstan on May 10. Experts believe it to be an indicator of the level of freedom of speech in the country.

A journalist of a newspaper working on state order told Radio Azattyk that "mass media that depend  on the authorities to any extent, can not disseminate information about such events without their permission." The journalist fears that the newspaper where he works can be placed under  pressure, so he asked not to mention his name. According to him, "there are topics that Kazakhstani media do not cover, the topics that are  censored."

According to Tamara Kaleyeva, the head of the Adil Soz Foundation,"The media whose freedoms are not limited will cover such events for sure, because such events affect the rating of the edition. Some TV channels used to have at least some freedom, but that time they did not report anything. There are some brave journalists, but the media entities are afraid" T.Kaleyeva commented to Radio Azattyk. 

(...) this situation ruffle feathers  of the media and authorities that have established censorship. "

Another expert, the author of several scientific studies on freedom of speech Kuandyk Shamankhai, believes: "In Kazakhstan, censorship has been abolished on paper, but in fact it still exists. In addition, there is a censorship of people's mind that makes "to act with regard to the authorities." Perhaps they think that if they cover it, it will look like they support the opposition. Media should not support protest actions but to provide accurate information"


- The Committee of Telecommunications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan warned the editors of the site "Nasha Gazeta" ("Our Newspaper") about the restriction of access to the resource if the editors do not comply with the law requiring mandatory identification of users wishing to comment on the publications.

In the order of the Committee sent to the site ng.kz and its owner LLP "Your chance ", the  editorial staff was requested to eliminate the violation within 10 working days. Otherwise, instructions will be issued  to limit access to this Internet resource on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with paragraph 1-1 of Article 41-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" On Communications ".

As the editorial board believes, the threat of restricting the acess to the website is not based on the law, since the Terms for commenting are posted on the website and comments are under pre-moderation control. Besides the editorial board believes that the Ministry did not keep its promise to clarify the technical aspects of users registration on electronic resources. Moreover, in January the Ministry of Information and Communications in its response to Radio Azattyk's request promised to post on its website a sample agreement between an online resource and the user. That sample agreement still can not be found on the ministry's website.


- The criminal proceedings against human rights activist Alexander Kharlamov initiated by the police in March 2013  on suspicion of inciting religious hatred were ceased.

The investigator of the department of internal affairs of the city of Ridder of the East Kazakhstan region Yerzhan Tokzhigitov issued a decree on the termination of the criminal case instituted under art. 174 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (inciting religious hatred) against the 68-year-old human rights activist  Alexander Kharlamov. The public prosecutor Sait Aimukhan supported the decision of the investigator. On May 5 Kharlamov received both documants - the investigator's decision and the approval of the prosecutor - and informed  the reporter of Azattyk of that. The same documents сancelledKarlamov's written undertaking not to leave that was in effect sicnce September 4, 2013.

As it was reported earlier, the criminal case was initiated in March 2013. The police found signs of a new religious trend in the human rights activist's posts in the social network "My World". According to law enforcement officials, the author took the liberty to criticize and make negative statements about Islam, Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Judaism.

On March 17, 2013 Kharlamov was arrested and sent to  compulsory psychiatric examination that found him sane. Later, on August 17, 2013, the case was considered by the Ridder city court and was refered for further investigation by the motion of the prosecutor. According to the prosecutor there were newly discovered circumstances in the case that made to change the charges for quite different ones. On September 4, 2013 Kharlamov was released from the pre-trial detention center in Ust-Kamenogorsk under a written undertaking not to leave the place.


4  judicial acts were issued against media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression , the receipt and dissemination of information on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation (including 3 in appeal) in May. Three of them were in favor of the media, journalists and citizens. 

28  letters before action and claims were filed in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression since the beginning of the year. 22 of them were  letters before action and claims on protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. Claims for compensation for moral damage in January-May amounted to 228 million 200 thousand and 1 tenge. The courts collected 90 thousand tenge. 

The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.

Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi
e-mail: lena@adilsoz.kz

For all questions regarding the  monitoring, you may also contact




Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. May, 2018
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