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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. March 2018

1 march 2018

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech Adil Soz made a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in March 2018.

It reports:

- Akmaral Tobylova, a resident of Almaty, was placed under home arrest due to the investigation against her on suspicion of "financial support" of the unregistered movement "Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan", that court declared to be an extremist organization. Akmaral Tobylova said that she did not understand the reasons of her detention. Human rights activists believe: A. Tobylova was detained for the peaceful exercise of her right for freedom of expression.

­On March 13, the District Court No. 2 in the Yesil district of Astana declared the activities of the "Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan" movement to be extremist and banned its activity on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including dissemination of information materials and using the media, telecommunications networks, social networks, instant messengers and video- hosting.

On the same day, the Prosecutor General's Office distributed a press release explaining: "Any participation in the activities of the extremist organization "Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan" and financing it will entail criminal liability in accordance with articles 182 (Creation, management of extremist group or participation in its activity), 258 (Financing of terrorist or extremist activity and other aiding and abetting to the terrorism or extremism) and 405 (Organization and participation in activity of public or religious association or other organization after court decision on prohibition of their activity or liquidation in connection with carrying out by them the extremism or terrorism) of the Criminal Code.

On March 15, the Almaty Almalinsky District Court held bail hearings for three supporters of the unregistered movement Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan. All of them were detained at home early in the morning on March 13, reports Bureau . kz .

On March 15 Almaty Almaly District Court issued a ruling on changing the measure of restraint for house arrest for the resident of Almaty Akmaral Tobylova, suspected of "financial support" of the unregistered movement "Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan".

Akmaral Tobylova is charged with "financing the activities of a criminal group" (Article 266 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

The investigation body asked the Judge Alma Abdyhalykova to prolong Akmaral’s arrest for another two months. The defence team insisted on home arrest.

In her speech, Akmaral Tobylova explained that she did not understand the reasons for her detention: " To be honest, I do not understand why I was detained. I do not think I committed any crime. I just read and watched the news, but there was nothing illegal. I was interested in their [Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan] program, as they promised to give good pensions and to solve the housing problem. We do not live very well. I do not support war and I am not against my country! I just looked at the problems of our country, at the drawbacks it has. Anyone can be interested in these matters. I do not understand what I did wrong. "

The international human rights organization Amnesty International announced Akmaral Tabylova to be a " prisoner of conscience " .

- The court satisfied the interrogator's petition and forcibly confine blogger Ardak Ashim in a psychiatric hospital for one month. A civil activist is suspected of inciting social discord because of criticism of the authorities in Facebook posts.

On the morning of March 15, twelve people entered the home of the famous blogger Ardak Ashim in Shymkent, according to her daughter's words. They presented a search warrant in connection with the charge under Art. 174 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (incitement of national, religious, social discord) . The search lasted for 2 hours, all cell phones, a laptop and two computers were seized. After that, two detectives forced Ardak Ashim out of the house and put her in the car. 

Ardak Ashim is an economist, a popular blogger who delves into acute issues of human rights and the rule of law. In particular, her appeal to the new Minister of Labor and Social Protection M. Abylkasymova about the plans to declare unemployed people self-employed and to impose taxes on them became widely known.

On March 27, the Abai District Court of Shymkent (judge S.T. Ainabekov) considered and granted the petition of Bakhytzhan Sydykov, an investigator of the South Kazakhstan Region Department of Internal Affairs, to forcibly confine Ardak Ashim in a psychiatric hospital  as a security measure.

In the narrative of the court decision it is said: "The investigative body conducts a criminal case under art. 174 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan against the person who is registered in the social network under the name "Ardak Ashim", and who publishes various articles against the authorities "( translation from the Kazakh language ) .

- The court refused to mitigate punishment for Aset Matayev, Director General of the KazTAG Information Agency and to transfer him from a general regime colony to a colony-settlement. The court made such a decision despite of the positive characterization given to Aset by the administration of the colony and the consent for mitigation of the prosecutor.

On March 16, the court of Kapshagai  considered the petition of Aset Matayev , General Director of the KazTAG Information Agency for mitigating the sentence.

Aset’s relatives hoped that he would be transferred from the colony of the general regime to a colony-settlement. The administration of the colony characterized Aset positively and supported the petition, the prosecutor did not object either. However, the judge coming back from the meeting room, where he had spent quite a long time, announced the refusal without any explanations.

- The prosecutor of Medeu district of Almaty demands to ban the issue of the analytical Internet portal Ratel.kz, and to prohibit the editor-in-chief of the edition any "distribution of information materials under the name (on behalf of) the publisher of the Internet portal "Ratel.kz" and “Balborsyk.kz".

On March 30, the court of the Medeu district court of Almaty noted the claim of the Medeu district prosecutor to declare the registration certificate of the analytical Internet portal Ratel.kz to be no longer in force, to prohibit its publication and the use of the domain names "Ratel.kz" and "Balborsyk. kz. " The prosecutor also demands to ban the editor-in-chief of Ratel.kz Marat Asipov "distribution of information materials under the name (on behalf of) of the publisher of the Internet portal" Ratel.kz "and" Balborsyk.kz ".

The prosecutor applied for a suspension of Ratel’s publishing on any domain name as securing  the claim. OnMarch 30, JudgeG.Beisenova satisfiedtheprosecutor'spetition.

The editorial board found out that the publication was blocked by the court's decision in the evening of Friday, March 30. The journalists did not receive a statement of the claim, the editorial board was not summoned to court when the decision to block the publication was made.

The preliminary hearing is scheduled for April 5. On April 2 searches began in the offices of Forbes Kazakhstan and Ratel.kz. The groungs for the searches are unknown.

As it was reported earlier:

As it was reported earlier,  on April 4, 2017, the court compelled Ratel.kz, Forbes.kz and V. Protsentov to pay KZT 50 million 200 thousand to the ex-Minister of Finance and State Revenues Zeynulla Kakimzhanov and his son Ilkhalid Kakimzhanov as compensation for moral injury;

On March 19, 2018 the site of the information resource Ratel.kz was blocked due to the fact that "the contact information assigned to the domain name of registrant is irrelevant" (the domain of Ratel.kz was registered with Gennady Benditsky. (The journalist died after a serious illness on December 3 2017);

On March 26, 2018 the son of Gennady Benditsky, Oleg re-registered the domain of Ratel.kz in his own name.

On March 30 Ratel.kz hit three most popular websites of Kaznet.

In March 2018 eight charges of criminal offenses and crimes were brought against media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression , the receipt and dissemination of information.

5  judicial acts were issued on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation (including 1 in appeal) in March. Three of them were in favor of the media, journalists and citizens.

20  letters before action and claimswere filed in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression in March. Claims for compensation for moral damage in January-March amounted to 22 million 200 thousand tenge. The courts collected 90 thousand tenge. 

The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.

Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi

For all questions regarding the  monitoring, you may also contact


Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. March 2018
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