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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. February 2018

1 february 2018

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech Adil Soz made a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in February 2018.


- Academician Dilyara Kaydarova demands 10 million tenge and public apology from the editorial of “Public position” (DAT project).

On February 5 peprations for court hearing began in the Zhetysu District Court of Almaty on the suit of Dilyara Kaydarova, director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology, to the owner of the newspaper "Public position" Dara Info, LLP, acting editor-in-chief Bakytgul Makimbai, journalist Syrym Datov and an employee of the Scientific Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology Shnargul Talaeva.

The plaintiff believes that the defendants humiliated, inslulted and demonized her in the untrue article "Cancer Harassment of the Doctor" ("Public position", October 26, 2017) aimed at reducing the "social significance" of her name as a qualified doctor, academician and manager.

“The phrase "cancer harassment" (...) assumes that I violated the law and ethical norms while performing of my duties as the director of the Institute", the claim says.

As Dilyara Kaidarova believs, the author of the article and the editorial board accused her of corruption in the form of harassment of the employee of the institute Shnargul Talaeva by using agents acting against her.

The plaintiff asked the court to compel the defendants to publish a refutation of the disputed information, to bring public apology and to compensate moral damage in the amount of 10 million tenge.

In order to secure the claim, Kaidarova asked to seize the defendants’ property ".

The court denied that request.

- The wife of the head of the department of physical culture and sports of Pavlodar region accused the correspondent of internet portal ratel.kz of disclosing privacy information, the publication of photos from her Instagram account, that were not intended for a general public and, as a consequence, creating the threat of her family breakdown.

On February 1 and 8 the analytical Internet portal Ratel.kz published articles by journalist Jamili Maricheva "How the wife of a sports official flew to Rome and Paris" and "How the wife of a sports official flew to Rome and Paris-2". The articles told about foreign trips of Asel Adasheva, the wife of the head of the department of physical culture and sports of Pavlodar region. The articles were based on numerous photographs the woman posted on her personal account in the social network Instagram. The account is publicly available and has more than a thousand subscribers. At the same time, Aidasheva's husband told ratel.kz that neither he nor his wife traveled abroad.

At the end of February, Asel Aydasheva files a privacy and personal image protection and compensation for moral injury lawsuit to the Pavlodar City Court.

In the lawsuit, the official's wife told that her social network account was ment for her friends only and her husband did not know about the photos she posted there. Aydasheva accused the correspondent of the portal ratel.kz in disclosing per private information and publishing her photos not intended for general public without her consent. As a result of the "unlawful intrusion into the private life" of the plaintiff, she turned out to be under the threat of the family breakdown, the relatives’ attitude to her chnaged and her children are ashamed of their mother’s photos published without her consent.

Asel Aydasheva asked the court to satisfy her demands for violation of personal non-property rights, to enforce 1.5 million tenge from Maricheva as compensation for moral inury and 100 thousand tenge more as cost of representation.

- "Guild of Court Reporters" and "Internews-Kazakhstan" prepared an appeal to the heads of bodies conducting pre-trial investigation of criminal cases, as well as to the Minister of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dauren Abaev on the limitation of access to information on the investigation of criminal cases.

"This restriction is effective from the end of January 2018. It resulted in journalists’ inability to receive information on the facts of committing criminal offenses from bodies authorized to conduct pre-trial investigations," the appeal says. Pre-trial investigation bodies explain non-provision of information of pre-trial investigation by article 201 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan ("Inadmissibility of disclosure of pre-trial investigation data"). The interior affairs departments forward media inquiries to the prosecutor's office. However, media NGOs note, that the prosecutor's office does not provide information either.

The situation is the same in all regions of Kazakhstan.

"Earlier journalists could receive information upon oral or written requests, as well as thwy could receive oral comments of representatives of local departments of internal affairs on certain crimes. Now journalists tell about almost total absence of any information on specific criminal cases. Pre-trial investigation bodies provide information on administrative offences only", media representatives say. "The aims of the reform of the law enforcement system in Kazakhstan include increasing the level of public confidence in law enforcement agencies, ensuring openness and transparency in their activities, and reducing the level of corruption offenses among law enforcement officers. One of the means to achieve this goal is  effective interaction with the media. However, the general trend of law enforcement bodies to restrict access to information instead of interacting with media. It proves that the prime objective is to conceal publicly significant information about the criminal situation in the regions of the country, the progress in the investigation of specific criminal cases, especially those that draw public attention.

Authors of the appeal ask to clarify the procedure and terms for providing  information to journalists within the frameworks of Art. 201 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as cases when particular pre-trial investigation data may be restricted in accordance with this article. They also ask to intensify the work of press services and spokepersons of the local departments of internal affairs and their interaction with the media and to comply with the legislation on access to information.

In February 2018, two charges of criminal offenses and crimes were brought against the media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information,


On February 1, the Department of the Committee of the National Security for ​​the South Kazakhstan region issued information on the detention of 12 Kazakhstan citizens suspected of dissimination of extremist materials on social networks. The case was instituted under Art. 174 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan - "Excitement of social, national, tribal, racial, class or religious discord". Residents of Turkestan, Arysi, Kentau and Shardar, Suzak and Tulkibas districts of the South Kazakhstan region were detained.

Bauyrzhan Azanov, a lawyer of 20-year-old Maksat Kaldarbek, told Radio Azattyk reporter that his client is accused of "allegedly saving on his page in the social network VKontakte an audio file called" How to hate modificators in Islam”. But, according to the lawyer, M. Kaldarbek had no idea what it all was about. His page in VKontakte shows that he has 14 friends and two subscribers, and his last visit was on May 8, 2016. Besides, according to the lawyer, Maksat Kaldabek is a "salafit" and did not post his image on the social network. That is why it is not clear what made the investigators believe that it was his page.  

Bauyrzhan Azanov also told Azattyk that his second client, 30-year-old Kanat Kasymbekov is an unexperienced  Internet user.

"According to the investigation, he and Caldarbek together posted that audio file, in spite of the fact that they are not friends nad do not even intercommunicate. As far as I know, they are not even familiar. Do you think all 12 detained people are familiar with each other? Of course,not. They are people from different regions, "says the lawyer.

5  judicial acts were issued on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation (including 1 in appeal) in February. Three  of them were in favor of the media, journalists and citizens.

19  letters before action and claims for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation were filed in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression in February. Claims for compensation for moral damage in January-February amounted to 22 million 200 thousand tenge. Thecourtscollected  90 thousandtenge. 

The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.

Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi
e-mail: lena@adilsoz.kz

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Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. February 2018
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