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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. January 2018

1 january 2018

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech Adil Soz made a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in January 2018.

It reports:

- The law "On Amendments and Additions to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Information and Communication Issues" came into force. Media owners note  decreased activity of those wishing to comment on publications. Journalists complain on improptness of providing public information of importance.

Вecause of the requirement of the law "On introducing changes and amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on information and communication issues", some Kazakhstan Internet resources launched a mechanism for user identification.

So, famous Pavlodar online news portal pavon.kz launched user identification mechanism on January 8. Before leaving a comment, users are invited to access the site through an account in social networks or register on the site. After that, the user must agree with the terms and conditions offered by the site and indicate his/her phone number. It is possible to leave a comment only after entering a password sent by the webite to user's mobile phone. The editor of pavon.kz Eugene Schultais says that the administration of the website used the help of a company providing SMS notifications services.

According to Yevgeny Shultais, pavon.kz pays to that company  seven tenge on average, for registering each new user. The number of registered new users is not known yet. Nevertheless, activity of users has decreased, but their discontent has grown.

Some Kazakhstan Internet resources, such as news websites lada.kz, 365info.kz, ratel.kz and others, have disabled the opportunity to leave comments.

Igor Loskutov, the general director of the company "JurInfo" , that owns Zakon.kz, says that the amendments to the law do not contain such words as "Internet resource",  "website",  "internet-portal", therefore, the new requirement is not applicable to "Jurinfo".

- The Ministry of Information and Communications is developing the information system "Automated monitoring of the national information space".

According to the information from the department, nowadays  republican and regional television and radio channels, print media, information agencies and network resources, registered with the authorized body are already monitored. Their total number is about 930. It is also reported that social networks and the foreign segment of the Internet are monitored in order to identify materials that violate the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan (propaganda of terrorism, extremism, suicide). After the information system is comlpeted, it is expected that the number of media under monitoring will increase.

The launch of completed information system is planned for the end of 2018. The amount of 1.671 billion tenge is allocated from the republican budget for developing the system.


- Court admitted that the publication of information on specific recipients of budgetary money would violate "the legitimate rights and interests of individuals."

On January 25 the specialized inter-district court of Astana  rejected the claim of  the public foundation "North Kazakhstan Legal Media Center"  to the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The cause for the claim was the refusal of the Ministry to provide information on the results of the placement of the state order for  information policy implementation for improving the image of state bodies. The legal media center also asked for the names of the media that won the contest and amounts that were allocated to them.

Director of the North Kazakhstan Legal Media Center Diana Medvednikova (Okremova) reports on her Facebook page: the judge refused to satisfy our lawsuit for several reasons: "Firstly, the refusal of the MIC to provide the information did not violate our rights, because they provided the total amount of state information order (2 000 069 247 tenge). Secondly, the publication of information on specific recipients of budgetary money "violates the legal rights and interests of individuals." He did not explain how. But before that, the representatives of the Ministry had voiced out their arguments ... It turns out to be that public awareness of the non-governement  media receiving money from the budget could harm their credibility and worsen their image. And accordingly it could worsen the attitude of society to the state order. And the media that do not receive state orders can put pressure on the commission that distributes those orders. "

"Thus, the state body did not restrict the access to information and the current legislation has not been violated," the court decision says.

 - Seitkazy Matayev, head of Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan, awarded with medal "For bravery" named after well-known rights advocate Andrey Sakharov

January, 17

Seikazy Matayev, chairman of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan, has been awarded with the medal "For bravery" named after well-known rights advocate Andrey Sakharov.
"S.Matayev has been awarded with the medal "For bravery" named after well-known rights advocate A.Sakharov in the nomination "Journalism as a deed" .
“The jury has considered dozens of candidatures of rights advocates, journalists and civil activists. S.Matayev did not apply for the premium, but the decision to award him came from the contest organizers," said the jury members.
The medal "For bravery" is one of prestigious awards for activists who have been prosecuted by the authorities for their active civil position. The prize was established in 2001. The jury includes writers, journalists, rights advocates and sociologists. Among the laureates of the prize have been Anna Politkovskaya, Otto Lacis, Boris Vishnevskiy, editorials of Radio Freedom, Russian service BBC, Novaya Gazeta, Echo of Moscow radio.


4 criminal charges were brought againt media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression, the receipt and dissemination of information in January, 2018


On January 9, the Karasai District Court of the Almaty region recognized Yeraltai Abay, resident of the Karasai district, guilty of committing a crime under Art. 256 p. 2 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan ("Propaganda of terrorism or public calls for the acts of terrorism"). The court sentenced him to seven years of imprisonment with serving his sentence in a general regime colony.

E. Abay's lawer Galym Nurpeisov told the reporter of the radio Azattyk that  there was no prosecution evidence in this case. According to the lawyer, Yeraltay Abay was arrested in August 2017 for reposting excerpts from religious literature in the social network "VKontakte". One of such posts, which the defendant published, was an excerpt from the collection of fatwas "Ad-Durar Al-Sania."

Meanwhile, the head of the Religious Expertise Department of the Committee for Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Civil Society Balgabek Mirzaev when asked by Azattyk reporter, did not find the book "Ad-Durar Al-Sania" in the list of literature banned in Kazakhstan.

In the final word Yeraltay Abay pleaded not guilty and stated that "he was not a terrorist and he did not propagate terrorism."


On January 15, the Kazybekbiy district court of Karaganda found 28-year-old Mikhail Tkachev and a resident of Petropavlovsk, 65-year-old Uali Aliaskarov guilty under art. 174 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (inciting ethnic and religious hatred) and sentenced them to five years in prison.

They were charged with "a serious crime against peace and public order" and "deliberate actions aimed at incitement of ethnic and religious hatred, as well as propaganda of exclusivity and superiority on the basis of  religion and nationality committed in public, in a group of persons by prior agreement, using information and communication networks ".

Defense lawyer Igor Kiryanov  asked the court to discharge the accused on every count, since the state prosecution did not identify what criminal actions were committed by the defendants.

As radio Azattyk informs, materials of religious studies that were attached to the case of two alleged members of the "occult organization of the USSR" show that books the accused allegedly distributed and discussed, are not prohibited on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Two religious examination studies were carried out by the Committee for Religious Affairs at the request of  Tkachev's wife.

Meanwhile, earlier one of the experts involved in the comprehensive examination of materials said that the texts contained "signs of inciting national and religious discord" and "statements about the superiority" of one nation.

M. Tkachev and U. Aliaskarov pleaded not guilty.


7  judicial acts were issued on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation (including 1 in appeal) in January. Three  of them were in favor of the media, journalists and citizens.

9  letters before action and claims for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation were filed in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression in January. Claims for compensation for moral damage in January amounted to 9 million 200 thousand tenge. The courts collected  30 thousand tenge. 


The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents  and information from open sources.

Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi
e-mail: lena@adilsoz.kz

For all questions regarding the  monitoring, you may also contact

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. January 2018
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