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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. October 2017

Download 1 october 2017

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech Adil Soz made a study of the situation with the right to freedom of expression, receipt and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan in October 2017.

It reports:

Four social networks users are acquitted in the case of inciting hatred

On October 25, an acquittal was made for Gulzhazir Bayshegasheva, Birlik Yzbaev, Makpal Sadykova, Bulbul Nurali under Article 174 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the Uighur District Court of Almaty Region under the chairmanship of Judge R. Suleymenov.

Four users of Facebook and VC (Vkontakte, Russian social network) left their spontaneous questions and remarks under the post about the incident in the school in the village of Ketpen: "What happened?", "Is everything OK?", "Is it that Ketman that is in the Uighur district?", "It looks as if they want to start an ethnic conflict ... "," I really do not know "," The video is spread at Whatsapp"," I'm tired, every time they start this fuss". These phrases became the reason for instituting criminal proceedings.

Besides, Judge R. Suleimenov issues a special court ruling against the investigators of the Raimbek District Police Department E. Imankulov and Uygur District Police Department of the Almaty region T. Makhamet for illegal criminal prosecution of the social networks users.

The expert research made by the laboratory of the Ministry of Justice in the East Kazakhstan region found signs of inciting ethnic hatred, whereas, according to the the specialist of the "Adil Soz" Foundation, there were no aggressive intentions to discriminate anyone or to incite hatred in the texts of comments.


On 9 October Seitkazy Matayev, chairman of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan, has applied to the UN committee against torture in connection with his health condition and ongoing ignorance of medical reports by the judicial system.

Health condition of S. Matayev keeps on causing concern. His pressure is high under the diagnosis "Arterial hypertension III degree, risk - IV, hypertensive crisis". Moreover, he needs surgery. Now S. Matayev is staying in the medical unit of LA 155/14. 

"My application to the members of UN committee against tortures follows announcement of the human rights performance and people's health by the UN as a priority, especially in the detention facilities. Kazakhstan as a UN member signed and ratified the comprehensive declaration on human rights, the convention against tortures and other international pacts and treaties, it assumed liability to perform the comprehensive declaration on human rights and the convention against tortures in order to exclude recurrences on the territory of each UN member state," wrote S. Matayev in his application.

He indicated concrete facts of violation of his rights for health and life.

"I have been under arrest since February 22 2016. Since those days I have been in a pre-blood stroke condition, my diagnosis was confirmed by the city cardiological center of Almaty where I was urgently hospitalized in February and April 2016. There are medical reports of the experts of the center of forensic medicine of the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan (N71 dated May 6 2016), of the national center of oncology and transplantology of the Ministry of Health Care of Kazakhstan (N4419 dated August 23 2016), of the central railway hospital "Railway hospital of the medicine of catastrophes" (N8152 dated September 12 2016). My diagnosis was confirmed by expert doctors of the highest category: "Arterial hypertension III degree, risk - IV, hypertensive crisis," he said.

Currently S. Matayev is getting in-patient care in the medical unit of LA 155/14. His high arterial pressure (200x100) can be confirmed by the records from his medical card since January 18 2017, and consulting physician K. Nurakhynova. Judge of Kapshagay city court Zh. Zhanbolatov did not draw any attention to the health condition of the patient and his need in kidneys and cerebrum surgery, ignoring forensic expertise and other documents at the judicial hearing on the request of S.Matayev to change the restraint measure dated July 19 2017.

Moreover, the judge refused to invite the consulting physician to the hearing saying that health condition of S. Matayev is not a matter of discussion. Judge of appellate collegiums of Almaty regional court Zhantasov also ignored the medical reports, although lawyers had been trying to draw his attention to the problem at the hearing on September 19 2017. All these facts are nothing but tortures.

"My 20 months stay in custody (since February 22 2016 until today) is violation of human rights and torture. Despite the diagnosis and medical reports of medical experts I cannot get qualified medical aid, including operation and health rehabilitation frustrated by arrest and long term confinement," said S. Matayev.


Police identified persons involved in distributing information about use of nude men and women pictures as illustrations to the tasks in Kazakhstani math textbook. Those social netwok users that were not involved in distribution of fake information but commented on the problem with Kazakhstani textbooks were interrogated as well.

Pre-trial investigation is conducted on the application of the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of the Republic of Kazakhstan under art. 274, part 3 ("Distribution of knowingly false information").

On October 3, Director of the Department of State Language and Information of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Almas Sadubayev said that persons involved in distribution of false information were found.

However,  Azattyk reports, that  those users that were not involved in false reports, but commented on the problem with Kazakh textbooks were summoned to Astana police for interrogations.

«It was a bright example when civil activist Kazbek Beisebayev was summoned to the internal affairs department for asking if anyone would be responsible for low quality of the textbooks in his Facebook comment», - Radio Azattyk reports.

In the middle of October five social networks users - Aigerim Bolat, Dmitry Boldyrev, Yuri Dorokhov, Nurken Halykbergen, Andrei Zubov - were summoned to the Almaty Department of Internal Affairs and were recognised as witnesses with the right of defense in the case of dissemination of false information, initiated by the application of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The actions of the Ministry of Education and investigative bodies have provoked a wave of criticism in the Kazakh segment of the Internet. The users were believed to be summoned for interrogations not for distribution of false information, but for criticizing low-quality textbooks.

On October 20, the adviser of the Minister of Education and Science, Mayrash Taykenova, wrote in Facebook: "In my opinion, there was just some misunderstanding, and I personally contacted Nurken, Andrei, Yuri to say again - guys, MES is not against criticism - we only welcome sound critisim, but we are against the social networking boom about what what is happening with the education system in general and with textbooks in particular! "


The criminal proceedings initiated by the police against the reporter of the radio Azattyk Sanat Urnaliev under the article "Hooliganism" were ceased for lack of corpus delicti.

The Abay division of the Department of Internal Affairs of the West Kazakhstan region notified the reporter of radio Azattyk Sanat Urnaliev that the case under article "Hooliganism" (Article 257 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan) against him, initiated by  Uralsk citizen Sergei Bayramov, was ceased for lack of corpus delicti.

As it was reported it was the case of confronttion of the journalist with two young men during which they provoked him to fight in every possible way. After one of them - Sergei Bakasov received a slap in the face, the guys went away. After that, Bakasov went to the hospital, where he received medial certificate of beatings and reported Sanat Urnaliev to the police departmet. Later Bakasov told Urnaliev that it was a provocation arranged by  his comrade Namik Bayramov. After the confession, Bakasov withdrew his complaint  from police. The same day Namik Bayramov filed similar report to the police.


The court rejected the lawsuit of the deputy governor of the Amlalinsky district of Almaty, Yermek Beiseuov to website  Rezonans.kz and its editor Rozlan Taukina.

The reason for the investigation was the article "House with Chimeras", published on the internet portal on September 20, 2016. The author told that one of the buildings was transfered from the city proprerty to cynological NGO.

The plaintiff litigated following passage of the article: "All these amazing things that are happening to the city property are possible just because they are under control of the deputy governor of Almalinsky district of Ermek Beyseuov ".

E. Beyseuov explained that he could not be involed in any actions with the building that was transferred to the cynologial NGO is 1996 when he was a schoolboy and in the actons with the respective land plot since at the time it was registered by authorities, he was a university student.

E. Beiseuov asked the court to declare the article to be discrediting false information, and to oblige the defendants to publish a rectraction.

The defendants did not agree with the suit. They explained to the court that the screenshot of the article presented by the plaintiff did not match to the original publication, may be changed and could not be accepted as evidence.

The court agreed with the defendants since the copy of the article presented by the plaintiff was not confirmed by a notary, so it could not be a reliable and admissible evidence.

According to R. Karymsakova, associate professor of the department of journalism and translation of the University of Turan, the article contains negative information about the plaintiff, but it is expressed in the form of two subjective assesments  that could not be verified for compliance to the reality.

On October 19, the court dismissed E. Beiseuv’s complaints.


4 criminal charges were brought againt media and citizens in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression, the receipt and dissemination of information in October 

 55 trial and pre-tiral criminal charges were  brought in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression, instruction and dissemination of information since the beginning of the year.

3 judicial acts were issued on cases of protection of honor, dignity and business reputation (including 3 in appeal) in October. Two of them were in favor of the media, journalists and citizens.

66 letters before action and claims for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation were filed in connection with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression since the beginning of the year. Claims for compensation for moral damage from the beginning of the year amounted to 194 million 960 thousand tenge. The courts collected 54 million 20 thousand tenge. 

The monitoring was done according to reports of the Adil Soz Foundation's correspondents
and information from open sources.

Head of monitoring service of Adil Soz Foundation Elena Tsoi
e-mail: lena@adilsoz.kz

For all questions regarding the  monitoring, you may also contact

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. October 2017
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