International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech «Adil Soz» has conducted analysis of\r\nviolations of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of\r\ninformation in May, 2017 in Kazakhstan.
There was following\r\ninformation:
-The Cabinet of Ministers has approved draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan\r\n«On Amendments and Supplements into Some\r\nLegislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan of Information and Communication».\r\nThedraftlawshallbeintroducedintoParliament.
-The Chairman of Public Foundation «Journalists\r\nin Trouble» Ramazan Esergepov was attacked. R. Esergepov has received a\r\nknife wound to his stomach.
-The officer of Press Service of Department of Internal Affairs (West\r\nKazakhstan Oblast) Akbolat Kateshev, allowed himself tough talk to editor of\r\nnewspaper «Uralskaya Nedelya» Lukpan Ahmedyarov in the same chat and then\r\noffered to continue the dialog in the form of private messages. Nevertheless,\r\naccording to the letter, the administration of the Department of Internal\r\nAffairs took the journalist’s appeal into consideration. It was decided to\r\nterminate the labor contract with Akbolat Kateshov.
\r\nIn May, 2017 six judicial acts\r\ntowards cases over protection of honour, dignity and business reputation were\r\npassed (including three ones in the appellate instance). And three ones were\r\npassed in favour of media outlets, journalists and citizens. There were demands\r\nof compensation of moral damage in January-March in the amount of KZT150\r\nmillions and 560 thousands. Courts recovered KZT50 millions and 560 thousands
\r\nSince the beginning of the year in connection with execution of right to\r\nfreedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information, they were\r\nbrought:
-3 pre-trial claims and suits on protection of honour, dignity and\r\nbusiness reputation were made against mass media and citizens in connection\r\nwith execution of the right to freedom of expression, receiving and\r\ndissemination of information.
Monitoring was done by media reports and\r\ncorrespondents of foundation “Adil Soz”\r\nand information of open sources
\r\nHead of monitoring service of foundation “Adil Soz”
\r\nElena Tsoy
\r\nHead of legal service of foundation “Adil Soz”
\r\nGanna Krasilnikova
\r\nIf you have monitoring questions, please contact with\r\nus via mail