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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Let’s support the Ministry of Information and Communications in elaborating new media law

14 февраля 2017

For several times the minister of information and communications of Kazakhstan Dauren Abayev informed  that the ministry he heads will start elaborating  a conceptually new media law right after planned amendments to the law “On mass media” are made.  Theseplansaretobewelcomed.

The acting law “On Mass Media” was elaborated in the last century on the basis of the Soviet standards. It does not correspond to the criteria of the UN, OSCE and other relevant international organizations, thwarts progress of local media and prevents Kazakhstan from joining the ranks of the most developed countries of the world.  More than 98% of articles of the present law  “On Mass Media” has been amended by now.  In accordance with the law “On legal acts” such number of amendments requires adoption of the new version of the media law.

In order to support the ministry’s initiative the International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adil Soz” has made a research of international experience in legislative regulation of freedom of expression.  Now we form a working group for elaborating the new media law. It will consist of journalists and lawyers who has what to propose for the new draft law. If you one of them you are welcome to join the group. Contactusinfo@adilsoz.kz  .

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